1. Your first name (real): Ollie 2. Your age: 19 years old 3. Time zone: GMT 4. Average time per day: 8 + hours a day 5. Your Discord: Snayke#0645 6. Your character's first and last name: smoke Leone 7. Your server ID: 30339 Additional information 1. What organization are you applying for? LSPD 2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization? (Three reasons, and explanations for each reason) -1st reason I want to be the leader of the LSPD because I feel that it is time for the city to have a police force that is in control at all times and thus ensure safety for all. I would also like to establish a sense of fairness because during my current LSPD RP experience of [6 months] I have noticed that some people do not have a role-play attitude or think they can do whatever they want whether it is citizens or law enforcement. -2nd reason I wish that the LSPD regains its name and its image because the police in town is not respected and often gets insulted by its lack of seriousness or by the attitude of some towards the citizens or vice versa. -3rd reason I would like the LSPD to gain in maturity and professionalism to be able to make the city safe in terms of security. 3. Your advice to improve the level of RolePlay in the organization. -Respect the rules of the city and the role play in game at all times. -Enforce the rules set up within the organization to the letter. -Monitor the actions of his staff. -Make sure that everyone respects each other. -Help them when they have difficulties. -Listen to everyone's ideas and then meet as a group to decide and choose the best ideas to implement while doing what is possible to do with the approval of the government and administration. -Make sure that everyone has and gets their place in the organization so that they can better integrate into the team and provide the best of themselves in their work.