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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Kevin Som
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Bobby Pluxury
Apr 6, 2023
All above

Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021
Good Evening

Let me preface this report by saying I am not in any way trying to defame any administrators or harm the reputation of the project, but I think it is past time some shortcomings were brought to light so they can finally be addressed.

Firstly and foremost, the roleplay quality of the server:

There are multiple leaders right now (myself included before today) who are growing bored with doing the same events, and the complete lack of roleplay that is occurring on the server (e.g. Players asking is everything a demand at hostage situations, no talking or negotiations between LEOs and Gangs, players constantly mixing and situations being halted on a CONSTANT basis).

We need a stronger quality of roleplay on the server to truly interest good leaders in the project again. There are a few ways to do this:

- Limit the Ghetto Operational Hours (NOT remove it completely)
- More time between Events
- More open communication between the Senior Curators, Organization Curators, Organization Leaders, and Organization Deputies on how to find ways to keep organizations functioning instead of disbanding off of warnings.
- More Roleplay based events that can actually allow Organization Leaders to gather interest in their organization and recruit new players.

Secondly, the Administration:

I have served as EN1s Senior Curator of Crime for a long period of time, and as much as it pains me to say it I am concerned with the way the server is administrated not based off of what an individual administrator is doing, but rather the philosophy of the administration as a whole.

Recently I have observed a propensity to punish organizations from a majority of administrators, rather than trying to educate organization leaders on the rules. This has led to during my past month of playing on the server 3 gangs and 2 state organizations disbanding from warnings. While I am willing to accept an organization or two disbanding, when it comes to almost all organizations of one Sphere disbanding at a single time, it is time to inspect our philosophy of administration as a whole.

Thirdly, the event attendance mandates:

I'll put this very simply as I have explained to various administrators. 30 events in 1 week is unrealistic. I understand that we want to promote activity and organizations to be active, but there have to be reasonable expectations that organization leaders can accomplish. We at a maximum required 15 events on a fully populated EN1. EN3 receives about a third of that population. Just some food for thought to consider.

I know this is a lot of information to take in, and I appreciate if you truly read through all of this and pondered it. At the end of the day, this is your server and you can decide how you want to run it. But if you are truly committed to improving the quality of roleplay and the server in general, I hope some of these ideas will be received.

Much love to all the admins, and appreciate all that you do ❤️

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

1. Regarding the Coms between Leaders and Seniors, So far would say the Most Server that is Implementing this is EN3 as we already Had Multiple Meetings between Senior and Leaders and Deputies, sadly Many After the Meeting even tho some points are cleared up by Senior still go back to Exactly the same Route and Will Forget what was said in the Meeting.

2. Ghetto Hours, Can be Suggested but Obv its Something Player Based, So Maybe in the Future will have a Announcement Made for the Server and if Majority Agrees to it, Can limit the KOS part of Ghetto to Couple of Hours a day, but as said needs approval From Mazhor First which i will Discuss with Him soon and even after that its only if Majority of the Players vote on it it will be changed if Mazhor approves.

3. Event part of the Crime Orgs is Not that much and Really Doable, Crime side is Doing Up to 10 Hostage situations a Day, instead of Those which sadly non of both sides are willing to RP and Actually Negotiate even tho I have talked to leaders my self to do so, Events can be Focused on and Simply Do the Events that are Required.

4. Regarding Org Punishments, the Talking is being Done by Curators and Already have had a Talk with admins to increase it but Rules are Rules as you said you used to be Admin yourself and you know exactly how it works, the talking/Helping is being done but mostly non listens.

5. And Regarding the IC/Rp events, can easily Say EN3 is one of the Most active Servers on the Major RP/IC events such as Bomb situations, Suicide Situations, Massive RP/Bomb Situation between the Entire Crime and State side, Rp Events that take up to Multiple Hours that has been done and are still being done, So From Our side its all being done and Admins Putting More Effort that they should in such things, Its the Players as you guys who should do the Rest, as far as RP goes we are not the one in control of that, we can help in most but not all things.

and Lack of Role play is not only in EN3 sadly, its All servers since its something Player Related not admin Related, so its not something that EN3 is facing, but the Difference is on EN3 its being worked on more and more on a daily bases to be solved.
That should answer the Concerns and Questions you had in mind.
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