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Dec 3, 2022
Organization: LSPD

Name: Cody Payne
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Fairbanks, Alaska
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Multiple all over body
Strengths: Fiercely loyal, Strong Leadership Skills, Hard Working, Undercover work
Weakness: Quick to anger (especially when provoked)

Life Story: Cody Payne was born in a small town in Alaska called Fairbanks, his mother was a nurse, and his father a mechanic, they struggled to make ends meet month to month. As Cody grew into this world, he realized he wanted more out of life and worked hard by going to college and completing all the training and tests that were required for him to become a law-abiding police officer. As time went by his father got involved in the wrong crowd and got into so much debt that he lost his life to the hands of the Cartel. His mother, feeling like she had lost everything, began to fall into a deep depression, and as a result she lost her job and the bills began to pile up, so Cody needed to take time out to make sure that his mother was well and that everything was put into order. This meant that he was forced to step up and pay all the bills for the house, just to keep the roof over his mother’s head and food in the cupboards. He went back to the force at a lower position to spend more time with his mother and make sure that everything was being paid for. However, after three years of struggling to really make a change, he caved in and started to hand over intel to the cartel. They promised to protect his mother and provide any, and all, care that may be needed.

Career Story: After leaving school Cody went to college and proceeded to get his Public Service Degree. Upon completion he joined as a cadet within the local police force, he went through many trainings, and from cadet worked his way up the ranks. Along the way he gained the Medal of Honour for bravery from saving the life of the English Royal Family and proceeded to go on and join the undercover unit. When his father died, Cody took some time away from service to repair his family as much as he could. When he was ready to return, they offered him his previous rank back, however due to needing more time for family he requested a lower rank so he would be able to work at a slower speed. The only position that was available required a move to Los Santos, and a rank of Cadet with the LSPD. Cody accepted the offer and joined LSPD and made a promise to himself that as the time goes on he will become the man he once was and bring peace and justice to all civilians. This was his promise he made to his Chief and to his mother.

1. Cody can take bribes for up to (100k)
2. Cody can sell, or use, illegal weapons that he got from criminals or his associates. (Not ORG weapons)
3. Using the darknet Cody can assist with Prison Escapes (once daily with darknet task)
4. Cody will be helping family and friends, when possible, ex. Releasing them or reducing time.
5. Cody can break bodycam (/try breaking the bodycam) 2 times per situation
6. Cody can use ORG radio while off duty to gain inside information.
7. Cody can lie about calling a lawyer or refuse to call a lawyer.
8. Cody can torture or use truth serum on criminals to get information. (with /try uses truth serum up to two times)
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