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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected Unblacklist from Leadership | Adham DeGrey | For bobby .

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Andrew iven
Administrators nickname
Adham Degrey
Apr 10, 2023

USER 84051

Dear bobby , So at first i want to start with seeking forgiveness and hope of having a 2nd chance as everyone deserves a 2nd chance but in my case when i was blamed for conflict maker which i have explained in my past forum but I respect the decision of admins but it wasnt only my mistake or it wasnt me who was making it nor i started but some other guys too targeting me in my forum by replying and off topic when i apply for leader but I actually dont care about it so in my case adham decided to give me a chance after 2 months which i respected but In my eyes for the small conflict which is being looked as a big one and which is also solved and i am trying every single day to improve myself and tie the relationship but i am also kind of losing hope as for a conflict which wasnt that big nor that blameful for me but it also contains other but for that i have kind of blacklisted for 2 months to change myself but everyone deserves a 2nd chance and in my case I dont think it should be this long for a small thing but i respect the decision but if u would reconsider and give me some chances I would promise i wont allow any conflict with myself or the org i have been in but would try to be as much humble than ever before and try to gain trust from you guys as u guys are losing trust on me for just a small conflict which really makes me feel bad and it sometimes make my selfness gone for that if u think i should have some chances for it pls consider it as it wasnt my fault fully and will also assure you i learnt from my mistakes as it was the first time i was blamed for conflict maker in my whole GRAND RP career but i am willing to make sure it wont happen again and wont let you guys down by trusting on me or giving me a 2nd chance as i am taking full full responsibility of making myself better than i was and try to tied things up with the guys which is almost there , At last i am really thankful for you time reading this and would be grateful for your actions and giving a 2nd chance by taking the time out or make it a shorter period and it may change my career of grand rp as all i ask you to remove the blacklist which i was given for 2 months and give me some chances to prove myself again so i can go for the leader again when i think i am capable of , Hope u understand my hard work and passion of becoming a leader and serve my time . Thanks !

Your faithfully
[ Andrew Ivan ]

Anvaya Gaitonde

Nov 29, 2022
Andrew has been straight up targeted unnecessarily . Straight up discrimination can be seen from the ones who are blacklisting him from being a leader . HE IS THE BEST BRUHH. ALL THE SUPPORT THE THIS GUY +++++


Dec 22, 2022
Dear admins he's not a conflict maker but a person who focuses on quality instead of quantity. He has tried to bring EN1 standard to EN3 and trained players to follow rules of both org and game . And issued strikes for the same .

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Answer Given by Curator of Admins, 2 Month, show that you have Changed and will no longer do things that you have done before and you can Freely Apply for Leadership.
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