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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
frank zane
Administrators nickname
bobby pluxury
Apr 13, 2023


May 11, 2022
Dear Bobby,
I am writing to ask for your forgiveness for my past behaviour. Specifically, I am deeply sorry for the times when I have been argumentative and treated others in a toxic manner. Looking back, I realize that my actions were hurtful and unnecessary.

I want to assure you that I have taken steps to become a reformed individual. I have reflected on my behaviour and recognize that it was not acceptable. I have worked to better understand my triggers and how to manage my emotions in a healthier way. I have also made a commitment to treat others with respect and kindness, even when I may disagree with them.

I understand that forgiveness is not something that can be demanded or expected, but I hope that you can see the sincerity of my apology and the effort I have made to change. I am committed to being a positive and constructive member of this community going forward. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

Sincerely, Frank Zane

Note: If you choose to keep me blacklisted please take my idea to make Rp better.

1) before i got banned i manged to speak with serval Legal Org side and i mentioned if you guy where to have more money instead of 1m you had 2-3-4m a day would it improve the rp they said " yes" and i was like the reason it would make it better is even if gangs do hostage or stores there is 4 gangs up and running they are meant to do a store at lease 3 times a week if they take civils only 200k each time that All legal org money gone.

2) which then legal orgs side have to slow down the Rp of stuff which will bring negative energy to gangs side. The reason for this is the economy on En3 not everyone rich so it makes Legal side do what they can within their power to make then not loose money because if they cant pay people bonus it would mean they leave and then more drama caused.
I think that you could maybe try this out for 1 week of them having more than 1m a day and see how the Rp aspects of it goes.

So bobby if you choose to keep me blacklisted plz take this onboard. I swear i wont let you down Forgive me.

Plz unblock me on discord :)


Tyrik Verlice

Clarko : Tyrik you the best and im sorry.
Dec 31, 2022
I respect Bobby’s decision although I don’t think your toxic at the level those individual portrays you as.

I see that you truly upset of your own behaviour and I see that you realised what you have done was not the correct way to deal with things.

Frank as we have spoken on VC you said “I respects Bobbys decision and I know I let him down as he hoped for me to change”. You also said “ I wish i had one last chance to prove myself and to Bobby and regain his trust”.

I believe you and I think this time you will be better as you have had time to reflect on this matter. I also believe you have the right people surrounding you this time to show you better. So which why I think Bobby should reconsider your punishment.

The level of toxicity still exists in this server and some of the individuals who did target you are now the face of this issue yet everyone is ignoring it. I believe you where the escape goat for many who have used you to hide their own toxicity.

Perhaps Bobby may utilise you to correct this issue instead of letting you fall in the void.

Best of luck to you Frank. We do miss you and I hope Bobby reconsiders.
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