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Rejected LSPD Corrupt BIO I Omer Reshid I ID 270933

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Omer Reshid

Feb 25, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Omer Reshid
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Compton, California
Sexuality: heterosexual
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Tattoos: N/A
Strengths: sweet talk, bribery, knowledgeable, driving, intelligence
Weakness: Temper, can’t take no for an answer

Life Story: Omer Reshid was born on 20/11/1992 in the East Compton hospital into a Bloodz family. Omer’s family raised him in an environment closely related to crime which led the boy to be a criminal throughout his adolescence. In 2005, when Omer was just 13 years old, his parents passed away due to a raid on the house, he managed to escape with his little brother and subsequently they were put into the system. Moving from foster home to foster home, Omer learned to sweet talk people into doing what he wants them to. There he had a lot of time to reflect and came to the conclusion that it was time to get a real job out of the system

Career Story: Omer enlisted himself into the army, however his brother decided to continue his life as a criminal. There they parted ways and Omer was flown out to Iraq. There his ability to speak multiple languages assisted him in going undercover and capturing several head terrorists. After a few tours Omer returned to find out his brother who he left behind had moved to join the Bloodz in Los Santos. Only to be captured and sentenced to life in prison. Omer knew that he couldn’t allow that to happen to his brother. This is where all of Omer’s skills he had acquired in his life came to help him. He moved into the city and Joined LSPD to assist his brother in his escape. After 3 years of planning he freed his brother and told him to never return to the city. During the 3 years he spent at LSPD he grew quite fond of the department but his criminal past was hard to let go of, pay wasn’t the best and Omer enjoyed money so he decided to stay in the force and make money on the side helping people he shouldn’t be. Since Omer lost his family and had a hard time in foster care he decided he’ll never be a part of any other family. That loyalty isn’t deserved by anyone so he is a lone wolf for life.

  1. Due to Omer’s low wages he can take bribes (up to 100k) to release a suspect
  2. Due to Omer’s ability to talk people into things. He can talk suspects into believing an attorney has been called if he’s in the room alone with them.
  3. As Omer had trouble with the system growing up, he can torture, interrogate and kill any LEO (rp must be played out)
  4. Due to Omer’s intelligence, he can find and destroy hidden bodycams (using the /try command twice).
  5. Outcome 5: Omer can participate in any illegal activity, he can give tour to people at doc, Omer can even start prision break if he feels like it - edited
  6. Outcone 6:Omer can refuse to show ID (RP played out) (edit: strike out killing them) - edited
  7. Omer’s criminal background has taught him to steal a radio from work, he can listen in on radio when off duty.
  8. Since breaking his brother out of prison Omer can help a prisoner escape (using darknet once a day)
  9. Omer can sell weapons and ammunition in the black market (no org weapons)
  10. Due to Omer’s short temper, when someone gives him a hard time, he can plant evidence and arrest them (rp must be played)
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Omer Reshid

Feb 25, 2023
Outcone 6:Omer can refuse to show ID (RP played out) (edit: strike out killing them)

Omer Reshid

Feb 25, 2023
Outcome 5: Omer can participate in any illegal activity, he can give tour to people at doc, Omer can even start prision break if he feels like it
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