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Jul 19, 2021
Name: Adir Miller
Ages : 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth:
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Chris , Christine.
Weight: 45lbs
Height: 6'2
Natural Eye Color: Dark Brown
Natural Hair Color: Pink

Life growing up
Adir always wanted to be an LSPD swat agent he thought about this every day ever since he shot his dad in balls accidently as a child. as he grew up he grew stronger of the idea of being a swat agent on his 10th birthday his father gifted him a watch and his mother gifted him her love which she could never give to his dad since he shot off his balls. Adir didn't have much growing up he had to eat takeaways every night and he lived in the residence of Los Santos , he used to live in the downtown area near the so-called families gang every night they would party until sunrise and during the day they would be shooting people, this was no life for Adir that became sick of Shooting balls and he wanted to make a difference so he decided to get a job working as a mail delivery man, he has done that for 5 years until he earned enough money for him and his family too move too a larger and better place within the city he felt this would affect his life and so they proceeded into moving into the house NO.725
little did heknow that it'll be his forever, he got enrolled into the school of vinewood this school was high educating within the city and before he would notice he would start knowing everyone in the city, And everyone would know him.

Adirs First propper job

When Adir had made his application to become FIB he had made it with the instics of being accepted first time round
but unfortunately for Adir this isnt what happened , He made his application whitch took him nights to accomplish and as he subbmitted his application which was it was 14 pages long , Adirs application was then under-review but then one day his application got denied for no reason that is obvious to the eye and he fell into a slump about it , those were his darkest days as his family was going on a family vacation Adir decided not to go as he wanted too revise to make another application bigger and better , however this may have been the best option Adir had made in his life . the plane was hijacked by some people and the plane was taken and all the people on board were killed including his family Adir was distraught when he heard the news that his whole family were dead as Adir was now alone , His grandparents had heard the bad news and decided too take the risk of flying into los santos too come see Adir , Adir was so happy to finally meet them and they gave him a glimmer of hope , it turned out that his grandparents were rich and they decided to put him in their will , as they left Adir went back into depression and thought about going too the dark side and joining a gang but his familys words inspired him too keep on pushing and he decided to continue trying to join the LSPD he made a whole new application and after being reviewed his application was then accepted Adir was over joyed and then decided too get back in contact with his grandparents too give them the good news , they were overjoyed about this and decided they would meet again in the future , however this would be the last time Adir would ever speak too them again as on a bus one day some bomber blew the bus up killing them both instantly , Adir was always poor until this happened as in thier will he was included he then inhereited 1.2 million dollars from them so he could live his life good
Little did he know it was not enough for him to live a healthy life in the sick parts of los santos. Adirs depression started to gain more power as he left fib blaming himself for not being there for his grandparents at the time of the bombing instead of working at his fib desk, He would then decide fib is not the place for him with an immortal grudge against them.

Adirs Job
Adir went through training in lspd and he then got accepted as a detective but this wasnt enough for Adir as he wanted to be swat he decided to undergo lots of training and many hours of working out to achieve the needed requirements for lspd SWAT team.
he did his SWAT exam and he wasnt very confident but he passed on his first try , Adir was over the moon about this and decided to do more for the LSPD. As life went on Adir grew bored of being in the same position of power and decided to play a gamble saying he would transfer back to FIB seeking more oportunities. Later on he would be promoted to Major of investigation.

Outcomes i would like
Adir has a secret camera in his glasses that is always running and a body cam on a secret button in his trousers thats always running .
Adir Can do some things that bend the rules to pretend he has more evidence than he has to in order to try and get someone to confess .
Adir will be able to go into the Ghetto off duty and do whatever he wants in ghetto .
Adir is allowed to take some bribes (up to 20,000k)
Adir can do anything illegal/legal that benefits himself financially. (Would only do if there is a small chance of being caught).
Adirs Tourrettes and ticks allow him to overcome two even three people at once without showing any fear while he is triggered.
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
Bio Denied
Leader did not approve in time, make another one
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