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Ivan Mateo

Jul 17, 2022
Organization: LSPD

Name: Evan Mateo

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Nationality : Indian

Place of Birth: New Delhi

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Tattoos: None

Strengths: Ivan is good in respecting other colleagues and helping his friends, he is a professional HR and officer.

Weakness: Ivan gets nervous in situation where he is alone or someone is forcing a issue on him.

Life Story: The day was 8th of March when Mateo was born in New Delhi the capital of India he belonged to a middle class family where he lived a sustainable life. Ivan was one of the bright students of the school and college he qualified one of the best colleges in India the D.U and continued the study of Mechanical Engineers. He had his best friend Ashok who was in bad companies like gangs, drug dealers and loan Sharks. Ivan always told Ashok to leave the company and do good things. Ashok once told Ivan that he can dunky Ivan to USA in 300k. One day a catastrophe occured in Ivan's Life his father and mother were killed in a house burning the house was burnt by some loan Sharks as his father had took a loan of 190k for Ivan's education that he was unable to return. Ivan was full of fire of Revenge of the death of his parents. With the help of Ashok and his gang members he murdered two loan Sharks named Rohitt and Deva. After that Ivan was on the most wanted list as Rohit was the son of a big politicians. The police was chasing him everywhere. Ivan Mateo decided to dunkey cross to USA. He sold his mothers jwellery which was deposited in the bank. He then bought a fake visa and passport and with the help of Ashok he went to Mexico where he met more Indians and Bangladeshis who were also crossing. After 3 months of struggle on 18 Feb 2019 Ivan was in the city of San Andreas. Ivan decided to start a new and peacefull life here.

Career Story: Ivan did part Time jobs like farming electrician and Street vendor for his livelihood he stayed in the motel as he was saving money for his apartment he met victor and joined his family. Ivan always wanted to work for the state org. After 5 years in the city On the glorious day of 17 Jan 2023 the FIB hosted an open recruitment. Ivan has a good knowledge he qualified the interview and completed his training he had a peaceful life with the help of victor he bought an apartment and a car. Ivan met with a colleague Aarav they soon became best friends. Ivan soon Became SOD of Human Resource and was an honest employee. One day Ivan noticed manipulation of organization funds he complained to everyone he could but at last the power of money suppressed his voice. He was tiered up and had financial crises over him the loans he took was at its peak due to high interest the money hi earned by th HR was still unpaid. He decided that no Goodwill will work across the world. He took transfer with Aarav to LSPD as the FIB disbanded but still he knew the job wouldn't pay off the loans he decided to go corrupt and earn the money for him and also donate a lot
of it in the charity.


1. Can let suspects go free if they're in his family and aid them in escaping at low price.
2. Can take bribes (Up to 100k)
3. He can kidnap lawyer/eye witness in order to protect him or his clients.
4. Can take evidence from lawyers by blackmailing/giving life threats.
5. Will buy and sell illegal weapons in order to help his family and work (No org weapons)
6. He can take prison free contract form the darknet
7. Can use truth serum on rival fam / gang members for confidential information. 2 time per situation (by /try command)
8. Ivan can carry illegal guns/ammo
9. Ivan can make false eviden
ce and witness in order to protect his
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