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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
18678 , 30340
Players nickname
Ghost leon
Administrators nickname
Adham Pluxury
Apr 26, 2023


Jan 3, 2023
Ghost Leon is forum banned, This appeal is for him

Can i please and thank you, if you don't mind get a explanation on this. This is ridiculous I got Perma banned on both ids 18678 , 30340 , For a Unknown Reason am 110% sure there is some misunderstanding here, I want explanation and I will make an Appeal Explaining if there needs to be explaining . I have Worked so hard Non-Stop to get Family running on here and we are in Top 10s going up and I owe the person who I bought fam from 12 Million so I have shit to pay people too. Can you explain my Ban please?



Jan 3, 2023
For Bobby Pluxury

Note: Must Read Please!
As much as I say you wouldn't understand, all I do is RP after IRL work I been to the Gym there for 3 hours and already bored and not sure what to do, I've been thinking about it all but there is literally nothing that I have done that I can remember at all, I can't think of what it possibly can be and am more shocked then anything that am accused of stalking?? and harassing? In fact I think the full City is Shocked. Specially in here I been trying my Best to Behave, After I have taken control of Medusa Family which was in Top 70s on Rankings and made it Top 10 within 2 weeks I have earned a lot of respect and a lot of activity being in the city and I cannot stay away from RP, I have people looking up to me and I have to Pay people money back for stuff. Am deeply sorry if I have done anything but I genuinely do need a reminder, I get angry yes, I shout, I smash whatever you want to call it all that is possible but for my name to be in the same sentence as Stalk or Harass is too Disrespectful for me and can not be me and thats why am saying it with Patient There is Misunderstanding 110% and once again if maybe I have done something you not Happy of I Do Deeply Apologize I am asking kindly to be back in the city to carry on with my family and hopefully finish of my Battle pass before 28th, This is very first time so far i get Big Ban Like this and I Hope it is my very very last and if you would DM me maybe if it cant be explained here I can promise you it will not be Repeated Regardless of what it is. I Have made a Great Strong Relationship with Most Administration also the minute I Entered city I have spoken to you on Admin Tickets and was telling you how I was coming to Reunite with my Family on EN3 as they have been moving from another City with me not knowing that you rarely ever on admin tickets but luckily it was my first Reply. Hope you can Give me a chance. Thanks in Advance.


Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Any Further Appeals for such Person will lead to Perm banning of your Own Forum account.
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