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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Robiul Hasan
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Feb 22, 2023


Nov 1, 2022
Summary: Opponent used graphics mod, as a result he saw your killer is 0000 then porum for POV request. I got punishment. Appealed again for unban and forced to check my PC. Admin checked my PC and ban me permanantly by seeing the wrong application.

I was helping my friend to defend his state object attack. I shoot and killed one guy but he saw he was killed by 0000. According to his pov he was using redux which caused this bug. Normally I record full session and unfortunately I got power cut and the whole days POV got corrupted. As a result I got ER 1.7 ban for 30 days because of unable to provide POV.

I didn't used any cheat and got ban for no reason so I appealed again to unban and forced multiple times to check my PC. Then my PC was checked by Karim Pluxury and got one program through registry, and decide to ban me.
Before joining GrandRP I was playing PUBG mobile on emulator and that tooks longer for matchmaking. So we used emulator lobby to mobile lobby bypass tool.

After joining GRP I left pubg and got addict to it. I just removed the emulaor all those related things but didn't reinstall the OS and that is my biggest mistake.
That program was launched almost 6-7 month ago, deleted at that time resulted a permanant BAN for me in a different game.

So POV request > punishment > forcefully pc check by myself = unnecessary ban.

He wanted to see the program but which is deleted 6 months ago how can I show instantly???

Anyways, If I were in admin position I will give ban by thinking may be cheat. But as a player I never did that.
I've seen there is many cased related killed by 0000, all are using mod and I'm a victim of illegal mod.
I can play EN1,2 but all my friends are playing here. My twink also banned. Please unban me, I don't need any previous resources.
I just want to play!!!!!!Give me a chance to play EN-3. My id 6113 IC Name: Robiul Hasan.

Best Regards
Robiul Hasan


Nov 1, 2022
Bobby sir, Please try to understand from my site i got ban when I didn't use any cheats, Its already 68 days over, it's humble request to you, please give a chance to play EN-3. I promise next time you do not get any complain. You can wipe everything.🙏
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