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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected For Bobby Regards I Unban Appeal (Security) I Mazhor Pluxury

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Your ID
Players nickname
Ghost Leon
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
May 3, 2023


May 3, 2023
For Curator Of Project and Respectful Chief Bobby Pluxury.

Section 1 I For Bobby
Hello Bobby i need your Support Regarding your Recent Words.
Rejected, I Gave you the Answer, Your Case will not be Considered at all, Wait Until Mazhor Responds to you on DMs as you said you have Contacted them, then Mazhor Will See the Evidence and Details I have and will Decide about it, and Do not make any other Forum account until Decision is Made by Mazhor, Multiple Forum Rules are Broken by you specially Evading ban on Forums.

How can i get Reply From Mazhor If....

Before you mention Forum Evading,
Please look at Bottom Section Latest News by Chief i have exaplined and i hope to god that you can appreciate it Thanks for your
understanding Sir.

Hello Bobby i respect what you said there and its Totally Fair but i have an issue with my DMs linking to Mazhor as we are not in any Mutual Servers Or Friends on Discord messages not going through and when i am posting Forums for him they are Being Deleted! There for am currently lost as i cant get to him please please please man i get maybe you cant sort it but can you at least send him this link i'll do the appeal once again here and Listen i have even admit to the Forum Violating and explained why its done, if you read the appeal i think you would be impressed please man bobby help me am stuck here with no mouth to speak and no hands to write I don't want to give up and i can't get links to Mazhor Anywhere, please man if you can Unban me and give me chance or even discuss this with me on discord if not will you just at least pass this link to Mazhor and show him what you need and explain to him I cant get in touch with him, I will write appeal down as it kept getting deleted? you can Reject for now if you cant help and give chance but Please man I will soon lose everything I have my family that i have worked months on. Regarding Forums as i said i have explained down below if you look in Gold writing to Mazhor please man understand where am coming from I've been off for a long time 😢 e.g for deleted Forums as i am not lying. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/373797/ https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/373863/ I Promise I Will not Make forums at all as long as you can help me get Decesion from Mazhor or if you would Make My day and Give me a Chance please Bobby.

My Appeal I Curator Of Project - Mazhor Pluxury

Dear Higher-Up Respectful Rare individual, Our Curator Of Project- Mazhor Pluxury. I Hope you can Help me today, please with your acceptance read all information so you understand my story and how Grand is a big part of my Daily Life I have wrote Appeal but sadly was Deleted I wonder, I will provide Link, as this unfortunately happened I am writing again. Thanks You for your Understanding. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/373797/ https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/373863/.

Family Name: Medusa ❤️
Family Owner: Ghost Leon 18678
Family Members: 250+
Family Rankings: Top 10 (When I was last in City)

Dear Higher-Up, Curator Of Our RP Project, Recently On 26/04/23
as I was getting Ready For BIZWARS and getting my family members ready I was banned for the Following Reason: Stalking + Harassment Shocking me and the Full City, I have been asking for the reason and the proofs for the Ban but Sadly I have not been Receiving, I would not Agree up on this as I don’t see anything that I have done that I can think of + there was no forums up against me of any sorts, and the ban was just sudden, I do not know what it’s about or have a clue what’s going to be about, it could simply be misunderstanding sir which is why I want to witness for myself as I would think a Curator of such a Big Project like yourself would understand that things like that can be misunderstood and could be simply as people writing and deleting messages to make other player look Guilty in something, I promise you I am not the kind to do anything like that and if there was no energy given I would not dream of such a thing and yet am blindly talking about situation as I don’t know who and what it’s about. Also would like to put this point out there things that happen in Private Life, such things as any social media’s But forums or IC another meaning In game,can’t be classified as anything as personal can simply Be Blocked which was confirmed by higher admins in the past as I reported People for messaging and harassing on DMs and a Senior has Confirmed to me also, what happens private can simply be blocked and if it goes IC then I can understand but I am sure just like I know my name nothing happened IC at all and this could be some sort of Troll that has happened which am sure it is, ..buying Property for under tax which was Appealed, Others was Minor + Most appealed under Wrong Decision, Feel Free to Run through my History on EN3 For yourself.

I hope you understand, It’s Quite Frustrating Getting Banned without a a reason explained and having the feeling of not playing again when Grand has became such a big part of my Daily Life, and I hope you understand you are a Rare individual to get to and that’s all I wanted is to get to you the whole time and reading the rest of the information I hope makes things more clear.

Main ID: 18678 Displays Perm Ban
TWINK ID: 30340 Displayed Social Club Blocked now. ( IP Blocked ) Which is why I think only you can appeal.

This is the most Recent News I have Received from my Respectful Chief.
I have tried to DM you, but now as we are not in any Mutual Servers and don’t have you as a Friend on Discord messages are not going through and unfortunately can’t message you, Regarding Forums which i agree it was annoying administration, I accept I have Violated Rules of Evading Forum Ban and from the Bottom of my Heart I Couldn’t Apologize more and I really hope you can Forgive me upon this, I would like to explain to you why I have done it and it’s simply because I was never able to get to you as you and things like threads when I wrote for you gets deleted as I have proven in the link up top and that was only Reason Evading ban was happening, but I promise on my life that I will not Evade Ban as king as it’s you who gets to see this and you can tell me what to do Regarding forum and what account to use. Once again Big Apologies for violating the Forum Rules.

Thank you for Reading My Report and for your Legendary Time up-on this, I hope to be Receiving Good news from you regarding this situation and hope you can give your Supporter of this Great Project a Chance to get back and carry on with my Family, I will gladly be waiting on Your Reply :)

Please if you would not mind adding my Discord, Which would be found on my
Profile, would be Much Appreciated and we can if needed talk regarding all this and even if this gets approved I would like to know where the issue started so it does not get repeated and would be pleasure to hear it from you.

Love and Prayers From Medusa to Mazhor and Bobby ❤️ 🙏


May 3, 2023
Please Bobby Help me with this i have lost hope i do not know what to do i cant get to Mazhor regarding this and I don't want to leave your Project read this full thing you would understand how much Grand means to me please man i was never apart of anything like this before and guaranteed nothing was meant even tho am blindly talking as I don't know what exactly this is about, please help me man, Wish and Hoping for the Best 🙏
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