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Mar 13, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Brodie Reef
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Mobile, Alabama
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: All over body excluding the hands and face.
Strengths: Extremely loyal, Exceptional marksman skills, Superior tactics when it comes to dangerous situations.
Weakness: Quick to anger (especially when provoked)

Life Story:

Brodie Reef was born in a mildly large city in the United States, his mother was a junior lawyer, and his father a drunk, his father wasnt around often, so his mother was struggling to put food on the table. As Brodie grew into this world, he realized he wanted more out of life and worked hard by going to college and completing all the training and tests that were required for him to become a law-abiding police officer. As time went by his father got worse, eventually got tied into the wrong crowd and got into so much debt that he lost his life to the hands of the Cartel. His mother, feeling like she had lost everything, began to fall ill due to depression and anxiety, and as a result she lost her job and the bills began to pile up. She had also started using hard drugs to cope with her harsh feelings, so Brodie needed to take time out to make sure that his mother was well and that she was going to wake up the next morning. This meant that he was forced to step up and pay all the bills for the house, just to keep the roof over his mother’s head and food on the table. He went back to the force after a break of taking care of his mother, to make sure that everything was being paid for. However, after six years of struggling to really make a change, he caved in and started to hand over intel to local gangs known as the ballas and bloods. They promised to protect his mother and provide any, and all, care that may be needed including food and extra cash for her medication.

Career Story:

After leaving school Brodie went to college and proceeded to get a Master Degree in Psychology. Upon completion he decided it was to much to handle, so he joined as a cadet within the Los Santos Police Department, he went through many trainings, and from cadet worked his way up the ranks. Along the way he joined SWAT, and eventually became the Head of SWAT. When his father died, Brodie took some time away from the department to care for his mother. When he was ready to return, they offered him his previous rank back, however due to bills stacking up, he realized the only way out of debt was to feed gangs information on his whereabouts in LSPD. He started to head down a dark path, and that led him to where he is today, still in debt and still hungry for every penny he can lay his hands on.


1. Brodie can take cash bribes for up to (100k)
2. Brodie can sell or use illegal weapons that he got from criminals or the black market (Not ORG weapons)
3. Using the darknet Brodie can assist with Prison Escapes (once daily with darknet task)
4. Brodie will be helping family and friends, when possible, ex. Reducing time and/or starting a prison break.
5. Brodie can find and break bodycam (/try finds the hidden bodycam and removes and breaks the SD card) 2 times per situation.
6. Brodie can use ORG radio while off duty to gain inside information.
7. Brodie can lie about calling a lawyer or refuse to call a lawyer.
8. Brodie can lie about his first and last name to avoid incrimination.
9. Brodie can participate in any criminal activity and break state laws on or off duty (within RP reason)
10. Brodie can plant illegal items on people to incriminate them (within RP reason)
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Mar 13, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Brodie Reef
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Mobile, Alabama
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: All over body excluding the hands and face.
Strengths: Extremely loyal, Exceptional marksman skills, Superior tactics when it comes to dangerous situations.
Weakness: Quick to anger (especially when provoked)

Life Story:

Brodie Reef was born in a mildly large city in the United States, his mother was a junior lawyer, and his father a drunk, his father wasnt around often, so his mother was struggling to put food on the table. As Brodie grew into this world, he realized he wanted more out of life and worked hard by going to college and completing all the training and tests that were required for him to become a law-abiding police officer. As time went by his father got worse, eventually got tied into the wrong crowd and got into so much debt that he lost his life to the hands of the Cartel. His mother, feeling like she had lost everything, began to fall ill due to depression and anxiety, and as a result she lost her job and the bills began to pile up. She had also started using hard drugs to cope with her harsh feelings, so Brodie needed to take time out to make sure that his mother was well and that she was going to wake up the next morning. This meant that he was forced to step up and pay all the bills for the house, just to keep the roof over his mother’s head and food on the table. He went back to the force after a break of taking care of his mother, to make sure that everything was being paid for. However, after six years of struggling to really make a change, he caved in and started to hand over intel to local gangs known as the ballas and bloods. They promised to protect his mother and provide any, and all, care that may be needed including food and extra cash for her medication.

Career Story:

After leaving school Brodie went to college and proceeded to get a Master Degree in Psychology. Upon completion he decided it was to much to handle, so he joined as a cadet within the Los Santos Police Department, he went through many trainings, and from cadet worked his way up the ranks. Along the way he joined SWAT, and eventually became the Head of SWAT. When his father died, Brodie took some time away from the department to care for his mother. When he was ready to return, they offered him his previous rank back, however due to bills stacking up, he realized the only way out of debt was to feed gangs information on his whereabouts in LSPD. He started to head down a dark path, and that led him to where he is today, still in debt and still hungry for every penny he can lay his hands on.


1. Brodie can take cash bribes for up to (100k)
2. Brodie can sell or use illegal weapons that he got from criminals or the black market (Not ORG weapons)
3. Using the darknet Brodie can assist with Prison Escapes (once daily with darknet task)
4. Brodie will be helping family and friends, when possible, ex. Reducing time and/or starting a prison break.
5. Brodie can break bodycam (/try breaking the bodycam) 2 times per situation
6. Brodie can use ORG radio while off duty to gain inside information.
7. Brodie can lie about calling a lawyer or refuse to call a lawyer.
8. Brodie can refuse showing his ID to anyone.
9. Brodie can participate in any criminal activity and break state laws on or off duty (within RP reason)
10. Brodie can plant illegal items on people to incriminate them (within RP reason)
original (before edit) Brodie can refuse showing his ID to anyone.
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Mar 13, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Brodie Reef
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Mobile, Alabama
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: All over body excluding the hands and face.
Strengths: Extremely loyal, Exceptional marksman skills, Superior tactics when it comes to dangerous situations.
Weakness: Quick to anger (especially when provoked)

Life Story:

Brodie Reef was born in a mildly large city in the United States, his mother was a junior lawyer, and his father a drunk, his father wasnt around often, so his mother was struggling to put food on the table. As Brodie grew into this world, he realized he wanted more out of life and worked hard by going to college and completing all the training and tests that were required for him to become a law-abiding police officer. As time went by his father got worse, eventually got tied into the wrong crowd and got into so much debt that he lost his life to the hands of the Cartel. His mother, feeling like she had lost everything, began to fall ill due to depression and anxiety, and as a result she lost her job and the bills began to pile up. She had also started using hard drugs to cope with her harsh feelings, so Brodie needed to take time out to make sure that his mother was well and that she was going to wake up the next morning. This meant that he was forced to step up and pay all the bills for the house, just to keep the roof over his mother’s head and food on the table. He went back to the force after a break of taking care of his mother, to make sure that everything was being paid for. However, after six years of struggling to really make a change, he caved in and started to hand over intel to local gangs known as the ballas and bloods. They promised to protect his mother and provide any, and all, care that may be needed including food and extra cash for her medication.

Career Story:

After leaving school Brodie went to college and proceeded to get a Master Degree in Psychology. Upon completion he decided it was to much to handle, so he joined as a cadet within the Los Santos Police Department, he went through many trainings, and from cadet worked his way up the ranks. Along the way he joined SWAT, and eventually became the Head of SWAT. When his father died, Brodie took some time away from the department to care for his mother. When he was ready to return, they offered him his previous rank back, however due to bills stacking up, he realized the only way out of debt was to feed gangs information on his whereabouts in LSPD. He started to head down a dark path, and that led him to where he is today, still in debt and still hungry for every penny he can lay his hands on.


1. Brodie can take cash bribes for up to (100k)
2. Brodie can sell or use illegal weapons that he got from criminals or the black market (Not ORG weapons)
3. Using the darknet Brodie can assist with Prison Escapes (once daily with darknet task)
4. Brodie will be helping family and friends, when possible, ex. Reducing time and/or starting a prison break.
5. Brodie can break bodycam (/try breaking the bodycam) 2 times per situation
6. Brodie can use ORG radio while off duty to gain inside information.
7. Brodie can lie about calling a lawyer or refuse to call a lawyer.
8. Brodie can refuse showing his ID to anyone.
9. Brodie can participate in any criminal activity and break state laws on or off duty (within RP reason)
10. Brodie can plant illegal items on people to incriminate them (within RP reason)
original (before edit) Brodie can break bodycam (/try breaking the bodycam) 2 times per situation
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