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Rejected Application for leader of party | Federal Democratic United party

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Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022
Federal Democratic United Party

Our Slogan

"That government is best which governs least." "The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves." "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.”

About our Partyy

This party which was formed by the most responsible and experienced people of the Los Santos city. It aimss for a better future of the city and the people.A government party, also known as a political party, is an organized group of individuals who share similar political beliefs, ideologies, and policy goals. We all have same and only one belief of wellbeing of city


Our Government would be focusing on

Economic development: Governments typically strive to promote economic growth, create job opportunities, attract investments, and ensure a stable and prosperous economy.

Social welfare: Governments often prioritize the well-being of their citizens by providing access to essential services such as healthcare, education, housing, and social security.

Infrastructure and public services: Governments are responsible for developing and maintaining infrastructure necessary for the functioning of society.

Governance and rule of law: Governments play a vital role in ensuring effective governance and the rule of law. This involves establishing and enforcing laws, protecting human rights, promoting transparency and accountability, combating corruption, and maintaining a fair and impartial judicial system.


1. Social welfare and equality
2. Economic prosperity
3. Best Law and order
4. Decrease of Crime rate
5. Best support to legal orgs
6. Ensured protection of civil rights for citizens
7. Zero corruption in city

Party Members

Governer - Assasin Rich
Deputy Governer - Elon Moose
Deputy Governer -
Attorney General - Mark Cash
Cheif of Staff - Omi Patel
Cheif of Staff - Andrew Ivan
Chief of Staff - Pranith Sanz
Director of USS
S - James Emperor

DOC Warden _ James Hopper
Director of Economics - Chupa Kabra

Other members and confirmation are mentioned in the sheet

Party Cloud Server.xlsx

Ranking System

Deputy Governor
Attorney General

Chief of Staff
Finance Minister
Minister Of Health and Safety
Director Of Homeland Security
Director Of USSS
Supreme Court Judge
DOC Warden
USSS Deputy Director
District Court Judge
Home Land Security Agent
USSS Elite Agent
USSS Senior Agent
DOC Senior Officer
DOC Officer
DOC Guard
Law Student
USSS Trainee
DOC Trainee


1. Bolo Inc.
2. Pardhaan
3. EMS
6. Cash

Criteria to join Party

- Minimum 5 years in city

- Clean Background
- Must be fluent in English
- Must have any state org experience
- No illegal tattoos

Assasin Rich

(People ranks can be changed if curators have any issues)


Raymond Bishop

Ex Senior State Curator
Jul 31, 2022

You already got more than one chance in interview
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