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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Main Dev
Main Dev
Apr 28, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.


May 8, 2021
The San Andreas Conservative Party
Forward, Together Strong and Stable

Our promises

  • Nationalised healthcare
  • Reduced unemployment benefit
  • Higher minimum wage for all jobs
  • Legalise gay marriage
Currently, in San Andreas, treatment from the health service lies behind a paywall. The Conservative party vows to abolish all cost in relation to medical expenses and receiving medical attention.
The scroungers of San Andreas currently are better off than hard-working individuals. We will lower unemployment rates provided to individuals of whom do not have an occupation. If you want money, earn it!
The Conservative Party believes that by reducing unemployment benefit, more people will be seeking employment. Therefore our promise is to reward those hard-working individuals by increasing the national minimum wage for all part-time and full-time positions. More money for those in jobs.
Marriage should be available for all which is why we believe it is the sole right for same-sex couples to marry. Currently, this is not possible in San Andreas. Whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Trans we believe it should be your fundamental right to equality in the state of San Andreas.

Subject to change
Just posting this here to see the traction of a potential Conservative Party. (The rest is in the works)


May 8, 2021
The San Andreas Liberty Party
Big Economy, And Even Bigger Hamburgers

Introduction and information about The San Andreas Liberty Party.

We are The San Andreas Liberty Party, and we believe in the people of San Andreas. You are the driving force of this state, and therefore it should belong to you! We will fight for your rights, we will fight for your opportunity to make the San Andreas dream true. Ideologically speaking, we consider ourselves as Classical Liberals and economically as Libertarians. Our candidate for governorship is Daniel Afrooz, and his Secretary of State and spokesperson is Tony Lasagna.

Core Concerns
• Fair and dynamic economy, higher wages, and lower prices.

• Enforcing and improving the traffic laws.
• In favour of more types of jobs.
• Self-defence laws in robbery situations.
• Decrease the cost for a gun licence.
• Reorganizing the National Guard.
• More Family activities.
• Improving the juridical system.
• Promoting Free Speech.
• Legalising Cannabis.
• Advocating for more hospitals and new EMS vehicles.
• Removing unemployment benefits entirely.

San Andreas needs a healthy economy, people are complaining about wages and prices, and fairly so. The dollar is inflated, in this current system, your wages cannot compete with the cost. We will make sure the economic system changes for good, in the foreseeable future you will see higher wages and far reasonable prices for such items as your next car or clothes. On the other hand, many workers are already crippled by selling valueless services, such as selling medical aid for a meagre 100$. This has to be the worst trade deal in all of history. Due to the nature of supply and demand, certain services like medical treatment and services must have a higher value. Lastly, Los Santos has a growing gang presence with the recent immigration to Los Santos, to counter this, we are in favour of creating new types of jobs either public or private, some suggest working at the casino or as a legal bounty hunter for example. Another contribution to counter gang activity will be to completely remove the unemployment benefits, in order to get more people to work, this policy will have to be removed.

Where could one begin? Most likely, when you arrived to Los Santos, you must have seen a horrific traffic incident or been through one yourself a couple of times. Our party will make sure the traffic laws are reformed and enforced. We will need more traffic police with better training and the required tools for speed limiting. There will also be increased fines for breaking severe traffic rules such as reckless driving which has caused immense injury, or driving in an intoxicated condition. Los Santos is also filled with cars parked everywhere, especially in the middle of the road, as a solution, we would approve of impounding cars irresponsibly parked, consider it as another job opportunity as well. We also want the speed-limit in Los Santos to stay at 110km/h, while increasing it to 150km/h outside of Los Santos and on the highways.

Your Right To Bear Arms
We believe in your right to bear arms to defend yourself. Your right to bear arms has also been infringed by the current laws, we would like to lower the price for a gun license. Lastly, due to the increase in crime and that the police cannot always help, we would like to introduce a law for self-defence in case of being robbed. Of course, we prioritize your safety and liberty, so we do not necessarily advocate for resisting robbers at all times, sometimes its best to listen to their demands for your own safety.

Reforming The National Guard
The state of the National Guard is not up to standards, especially considering the constant raids on the military bases across San Andreas. We advocate for better organizing of the National Guard. They need better training as in drills and a standard uniformity and we suggest starting a wargame program (simulating realistic combat situations).

Better Communication in the Juridical system
There has been complaints about arbitrary rulings such as sudden banishments and exclusions out of organizations or judicial injustices in cases. We want to improve the communication between the two parts in these cases.

Free Speech
We advocate for implementing a law to protect free speech. Free speech means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the government. This does not mean that we approve of hate, we simply want each individual to be protected from censorship in for example expressing humour or an opinion.

More Hospitals And New EMS Ambulances
Our hospitals are overfilled, and the EMS' ambulances are causing more harm than good. We get constant feedback from workers at the hospital that their vehicles are far from safe to use. Due to having terrible brakes and bad weight proportions, the drivers tend to hit citizens, cause damage to vehicles or in worst case scenarios causing deaths. Therefore we would like to open another hospital. Preferably outside of Los Santos and add new and improved ambulances for the EMS to use.
Current Members

  • Daniel Afrooz
Secretary of State and Spokesperson:
  • Tony Lasagna
Digital Director:
  • Mathias Larsen
Secretary Of Treasury
  • Vinny Vacinti
Secretary of Defence
  • Zenny Canah
  • Deanie Daniel
  • Kadir Karic

Date Party Was Created:


If you want to become a member of The San Andreas Liberty Party, please provide the following:
  • Show legal and valid identification.
  • Make sure to have a clean record, with no warnings.
  • Be serious about the party, and it's core concerns.

We need people that are passionate and serious about our cause. Let any currently existing members of the party know, that you would like to join!
If so, message: Al goku#7062 on Discord.
Thank you for supporting our efforts in creating a big economy, and even bigger hamburgers!
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Nova Grey

May 7, 2021

The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"
"One State One Mission"


About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is Nova Grey, the current sitting Deputy Governor, and her Deputy's will be Rick Versace and Papa Jah. Her spokespersons will be King Jah, Ousmane Escobar, and Kaze Lights. The Minister of Finance will be Black Opium. The Minister of Homeland Security will be Omar Camarata. The PR Manager is Sle Azy. Nova Grey and the entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure
any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the
things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.

|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical and intermediate training to increase success rate of hostage rescue's, store robberies, bank heist and more. We win, the city wins, you win.
For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.
|Increased LSPD presence|
With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.
|Departmental clemency|
We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors​

-Nova Grey
-Rick Versace
-Papa Jah
-King Jah
-Kaze Light
-Ousmane Escobar
Minister of Finance:
-Black Opium
-Minister of Homeland Security:
-Omar Camarata
PR Manager:
-Sle Azy
Current Administration:
-Robert Black
-Olivia Black
- Thor Black
-Ryan Versace
-Sheamus McConally
-Sauco Guapo
-Pugsley Jackson
-Johnny Black
-Obi Toppin
-Wagyu Wuhan
-Bill Israel
-Jacob Hunter
-Papa Jah
-Nicholas Mysterio
-Jay Green
-Mia Black
-Ousmane Escobar
Org Leaders:
-Evangelia Papakosta
-Melvin Jennings
-Martin King
-Papi Gordo
-Cody Miles
-Maxwell Hartman

Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record
*Been in the city for at least 8 years
*Have good knowledge of City laws
*Knowledge of City Rules
About Making the city a better place.

Last edited:


May 7, 2021

Los Santos Empire

L.S. Empire is founded by the people of Los Santos for the people of Los Santos with only one goal, to bring change to the streets and protect it's citizens, all of them regardless of affiliation or background.

With our goal we hope give a safe feeling in the city of Los Santos, reduce deaths, corruption in the system and reduce the negative reputation that the hard working people of the law enforcement agencies have so that they in turn have to deal with less corruption and a less hostile environment to work in.
Hoping in turn for them to react less hostile as well.
It's our goal to create a safe city, protect all of Los Santos citizens, create new laws and systems that will help with this and in turn make us all happier safer, and due to lower expensive through the city bring money back into the pockets of the citizens of Los Santos.

Because if you don't have to pay for personal protection time and time again, if you don't have to repair your vehicles or homes over and over you'll be richer, and all of that because you are already safer.

The L.S. Empire will take the governor's office and re-introduce an active government. Once we are in office the following steps will be taken and will be our priority to realize:

1. Create new laws to reduce gray area's within the current laws of Los Santos, protecting the law enforcers and citizens, making it clear for them how to act so that there are no wild cards that can lead to unwashed explosive or violent situations. (For example: Create laws when a law enforce is allowed to frisk you, and search your vehicle, the L.S. Empire is against the complete frisk of citizens over the charge of a speeding ticket or a illegal shortcut, and believes that the people have the right to remain in their vehicles for minor non violent charges like this given there is no clear evidence of intoxication or excessive drug abuse.)

2. Hire from all backgrounds for government functions. The L.S. Empire party believes that to make sure we perform to our absolute best we need to hire people from all backgrounds to make sure we won't end up leaning to one side but work for all citizens, in turn this will also prevent us from being as corruption or dysfunctional as the inactive shadow government as of now.

3. Reduce corruption in Law enforcer agencies. The L.S. Empire will attempt to create a system and government oversight that will deal with all law enforcement agencies to remove corruption. This means that the L.S. empire will casefile sue and arrest corrupted law enforcers to re establish a less corrupt and more trusted reputation for the law enforcement agencies, This system will NOT affect the internal affairs department of any agencies, it is only there to protect the citizens and law enforcers that suffer from law breaking law enforcers.

4. Reduce traffic accidents and violations. We will give more more direct approaches and freedom to law enforcers on enforcing the law, in turn with a less corrupt system and law enforcers giving a better example on how to drive correctly, we will be able to reduce traffic related deaths, through the law and it's enforcers but also through the watchful eyes of citizens. The main focus is to manage the wild truckers and taxi drivers so that YOU do not get hurt, or end up with damaged properties.

5. Host and promote seasonal events.

The focus of L.S. Empire will completely be on points 1-2-3 and 4, and until those are completed the focus will not shift randomly between the numbers so that we will not be a fully functioning government.

Party Members and Sponsors​

- Jimmy Forest
- Dwayne Forest
- Zhavia Herrera
Head of SS:
- Sass Forest
Nicky Drip
State Legal Aid:
- Jordan Grim
Minister of Finance:
- Jimmy Dangler
PR Manager:
- Donny Borisyuk
DOC Director:
-Trey Tesfaye

- Ethan Shaw
- Nicholas Mysterio
- Koko Reyes
- Mia Black
- Alicia Rodriguez
- Jamal Shakur
- Arnold Kings
- Christian Maier
- Pearson Herrera
- Jack Shakur
- Hudson Mayt
- Dirk Stinler
- Brody Burns
- Teej Hurtado
- Nicky Drip
- Marzia Brasco
- Ava Reyes
- Juan Moto
- Mike Reyes
- Jordan Grim
- Trey Tesfaye
State Leaders:
Davante Wayne
- Bruce Wayne
- Juan Moto
- Alicia Rodriguez
- Koko Reyes
- Mike Wayne

Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining the Empire:​

- No criminal record
- Must have been a resident of the city for atleast 8 years.
- Be serious about the party's goals.

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King Narek

May 8, 2021
1. Narek
2. 16
3. NA west time
4. 8 hours
5. Nar#2222
6. Narek Maylasidez
7. 186

Additional information
1. I really like to help players,help new players guide them through basics stuff .Punish people who deserve it and overall to
help the community

2. I speak multiple languages like Armenia,Russian and English and i am most likley online in the morning when the players need help but there is no one to help.

3. One of my weaknesses are that i cant be online more than 8 hours

4. Yes!

5. Yes!


May 11, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
I, Fluffy Fingers of the Citizens First Party, will run for the prestigious Office of Governor for Los Santos. It is time to move on from the small town mentality, and move on to bigger and greater things. We will grow this city in ways never thought possible! I see a future with THOUSANDS of citizens. Help me and my party make that a reality for everyone!
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
1) Freedom of Choice, Equality for All
2) Improve Police Interactions with Citizens. Promote high level RP from all branches of Government
3) Make Legion Square a Community Engagement Area
4) Significantly more Global and Community Events
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
1)Jesse Schmidt - Deputy Governor
2) Huncho Diorr - Secret Service
3) Lee Kolso - DOC Senior Officer
4) Supreme Court Judge - The White Winds
More to Follow
4) "No Stress Homie" - Photo to be uploaded
5) The date of the creation
Party Was created on 6/7/2021
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
History of Leadership role(s)
High Level RP and Creativity
High Level Knowledge of City Rules

Pablo Ali

May 10, 2021



The Brotherhood was founded by those who do not forget the past of this troubled city. The founders of 'The Brotherhood' are those who have witnessed unspeakable horrors in the city and have decided to rise up and combat the evil within in the city. We 'The Brotherhood' will work hard to combat the mass corruption within the state orgs and combat the criminals who terrorize the citizens of Los Santos. We will also work with LSPD and SAHP in order to cut down on the lack of respect for the traffic rules. We will also have an government which will be active and work on solving the problems within in the city. In regards to gun licenses, we will lower the cost but also introduce a firearms safety course to ensure all civilians who want to use firearms have adequate knowledge of firearms. Also, Hand out bonuses to the state orgs in order to show our appreciation to the LEO's who protect our streets.

Also, run events for the citizens of Los Santos in order to keep the citizens engaged and happy. In addition to this, the people within the Brotherhood have experience in leadership as they were leaders in other cities. Also, we have been in the city since day one and have witnessed it grow to what it is today. Furthermore, we will hold regular meetings with the other state orgs to discuss any issues and to see how they are doing in terms of managing as a org.

Party Members and Sponsors​

- Pablo Ali
- Hunter Ali
- Malcom Mebz
Head of SS:
- Carter Yip
- Cash Yip
State Legal Aid:
- Tamz Vendetti
Minister of Finance:
PR Manager:
- Jay Yip
DOC Director:
- Diana Vendetti

- Bandoo Hernandez
- Pedro Brown
- Gareth Quinn

Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining The Brotherhood:​

- No criminal record
- Must have been a resident of the city for at least 10 years.
- Loyal & Mature

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May 7, 2021
The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"

"One State One Mission"

About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is King Jah, the current sitting Deputy Governor, and his Deputy's will be Omar Camarta . His spokespersons will be Kris Kringle, Jd Roy, and Kaze Lights. The Minister of Finance will be Black Opium. The Minister of Homeland Security will be Strife McMillan . The PR Manager is Dre Balenciaga. King Jah and the entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come. Most importantly we must do it for the legacy of the fallen Nova Grey.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure

any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the

things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.


|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical and intermediate training to increase success rate of hostage rescue's, store robberies, bank heist and more. We win, the city wins, you win.


For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.

|Increased LSPD presence|

With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.

|Departmental clemency|

We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors


-King Jah


-Omar Camarata

-Thor Black


-Kris Kringle

-Kaze Light

-Jd Roy

Minister of Finance:

-Black Opium

-Minister of Homeland Security:

-Strife Mcmillian

  • Kira DeCali
PR Manager:

-Dre Balenciaga

Current Administration:

-Mister Whitewind

-Miss Whitewind

-Olivia Black

- Thor Black

-Ryan Versace

-Quickgun Murugan

-Sauco Guapo

-Pugsley Jackson

-Johnny Black

-Obi Toppin

-Wagyu Wuhan

-Bill Israel

-Sierra Rae


-Melvin Linguine

-Santiago West

-Kaylani Chambers

-Ina Black

-Black Opium

-Jay Green

Org Leaders:

-Cody Miles

-Melvin Jennings

-Evanagelia Papakosta

-Derek Morgan






Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place


May 7, 2021
The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"

"One State One Mission"

About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is King Jah, the current sitting Deputy Governor, and his Deputy's will be Omar Camarta . His spokespersons will be Kris Kringle, Jd Roy, and Kaze Lights. The Minister of Finance will be Black Opium. The Minister of Homeland Security will be Strife McMillan . The PR Manager is Dre Balenciaga. King Jah and the entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come. Most importantly we must do it for the legacy of the fallen Nova Grey.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure

any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the

things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.


|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical and intermediate training to increase success rate of hostage rescue's, store robberies, bank heist and more. We win, the city wins, you win.


For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.

|Increased LSPD presence|

With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.

|Departmental clemency|

We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors


-King Jah


-Omar Camarata

-Thor Black


-Kris Kringle

-Kaze Light

-Jd Roy

Minister of Finance:


-Minister of Homeland Security:

-Strife Mcmillian

  • Kira DeCali
PR Manager:

-Dre Balenciaga

Current Administration:

-Mister Whitewind

-Miss Whitewind

-Olivia Black

- Thor Black

-Ryan Versace

-Quickgun Murugan

-Sauco Guapo

-Pugsley Jackson

-Johnny Black

-Obi Toppin

-Wagyu Wuhan

-Bill Israel

-Sierra Rae


-Melvin Linguine

-Santiago West

-Kaylani Chambers

-Ina Black

-Black Opium

-Jay Green

Org Leaders:

-Cody Miles

-Melvin Jennings

-Evanagelia Papakosta

-Derek Morgan






Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place.

Wayne One

Jul 1, 2021
The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"

"One State One Mission"

About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is King Jah, the current sitting Deputy Governor, and his Deputy's will be Omar Camarta . His spokespersons will be Kris Kringle, Jd Roy, and Kaze Lights. The Minister of Finance will be Black Opium. The Minister of Homeland Security will be Strife McMillan . The PR Manager is Dre Balenciaga. King Jah and the entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come. Most importantly we must do it for the legacy of the fallen Nova Grey.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure

any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the

things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.


|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical and intermediate training to increase success rate of hostage rescue's, store robberies, bank heist and more. We win, the city wins, you win.


For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.

|Increased LSPD presence|

With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.

|Departmental clemency|

We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors


-King Jah


-Omar Camarata

-Thor Black


-Kris Kringle

-Kaze Light

-Jd Roy

Minister of Finance:


-Minister of Homeland Security:

-Strife Mcmillian

  • Kira DeCali
PR Manager:

-Dre Balenciaga

Current Administration:

-Mister Whitewind

-Miss Whitewind

-Olivia Black

- Thor Black

-Ryan Versace

-Quickgun Murugan

-Sauco Guapo

-Pugsley Jackson

-Johnny Black

-Obi Toppin

-Wagyu Wuhan

-Bill Israel

-Sierra Rae


-Melvin Linguine

-Santiago West

-Kaylani Chambers

-Ina Black

-Black Opium

-Jay Green

Org Leaders:

-Cody Miles

-Melvin Jennings

-Evanagelia Papakosta

-Derek Morgan






Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place.
I vote king jah. Ever since I first met jah he showed courageous leadership and I believe that’s all our city of los Santos. Needs. Jah is an honest down to bone man and I know he has what it takes to rule this city


May 17, 2021
The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"

"One State One Mission"

About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is King Jah, the current sitting Deputy Governor, and his Deputy's will be Omar Camarta . His spokespersons will be Kris Kringle, Jd Roy, and Kaze Lights. The Minister of Finance will be Black Opium. The Minister of Homeland Security will be Strife McMillan . The PR Manager is Dre Balenciaga. King Jah and the entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come. Most importantly we must do it for the legacy of the fallen Nova Grey.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure

any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the

things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.


|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical and intermediate training to increase success rate of hostage rescue's, store robberies, bank heist and more. We win, the city wins, you win.


For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.

|Increased LSPD presence|

With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.

|Departmental clemency|

We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors


-King Jah


-Omar Camarata

-Thor Black


-Kris Kringle

-Kaze Light

-Jd Roy

Minister of Finance:


-Minister of Homeland Security:

-Strife Mcmillian

  • Kira DeCali
PR Manager:

-Dre Balenciaga

Current Administration:

-Mister Whitewind

-Miss Whitewind

-Olivia Black

- Thor Black

-Ryan Versace

-Quickgun Murugan

-Sauco Guapo

-Pugsley Jackson

-Johnny Black

-Obi Toppin

-Wagyu Wuhan

-Bill Israel

-Sierra Rae


-Melvin Linguine

-Santiago West

-Kaylani Chambers

-Ina Black

-Black Opium

-Jay Green

Org Leaders:

-Cody Miles

-Melvin Jennings

-Evanagelia Papakosta

-Derek Morgan






Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place.

i vouch for King Jah and I love the vision, he is a very cool and nice person with great leadership skill i think he should be the next Governor of the city


Jul 7, 2021

Party Members
Ruben Saraiva
Head of SS:
Dusty Rusty
Pedro ElAbrantes
Cristiano Rusty
Redsky Ron
Tino Rusty
Minister of Defence:
Raquel Correia
Minister of Finance:
Avec Rusty
Marco Rusty
DOC Director:
Master Blaster​
Defense and promotion of citizen's rights and peace;

Defense of the citizen's fundamental rights, liberties and guarantees;

Combating inequality and discrimination based on gender, race, religion or other beliefs;

Promotion of the free spirit of initiative and enterprise, creativity and communication.
1. Improve the health system by strengthening the rapid rescue teams and the number of vehicles in service.

2. Increase safety in the city with the creation of more police units and increasing manpower.

3. Building more affordable housing for less fortunate citizens.

4. Increase the economic power of citizens by raising the minimum wages for part-time jobs.

5. Lower the cost of essential services such as medical kits, health insurance and vehicle insurance.

6. Increase sanctions and judicial sentences for those who break the harmony of the city in order to guarantee the safety of its citizens.
One of the main needs that we see in our citizens is the difficulty in obtaining their own housing. We have seen the city getting more and more people and we are concerned about homelessness. Many people carry all their personal belongings in their backpacks or pockets on a daily basis, making them desirable prey for gangsters. The need to have a home where they can rest safely and store their possessions is real. We intend to increase the number of houses in the city in order to solve this situation. With the increased number of houses we are also able to lower the selling and rental prices. Citizens carrying less personal belongings also makes burglaries less profitable and with this we believe we can reduce crime.
Health is for us a fundamental subject of our society and for that we want to support more and more a regimen of prevention and decrease the risk of getting sick. We propose to have a system of installments for the payment of the Health Insurances, so that the less fortunate can have the opportunity to receive an equal treatment in the Society of Los Santos.
We are committed to carry out a program with the intention of reducing road accidents and the bigger mortality rate that cones with it. With these measures we intend to, indirectly, reducing thefts on public roads.
We currently see a lot of insecurity in Official Events, so in the future we will implement that at least 2 police vehicles and 1 ambulance from EMS are present in all events in order to maintain the safety of citizens.
Internal Government System
We at Reform Party are against corruption and access to high positions by friendship association, and so our internal system has to change. To accomplish this we will demand a proof of that advancement for any government worker. Another reform will be the update in some salaries, for example lawyers that should receive a little more than secretaries which was not happening in the current management.
We see gangs, not as people who have chosen a life of crime, but people who have not had the opportunity or luck that others have had. That's why we want to create a Social Reintegration Support where people will receive 500$ to try to straighten out their lives.

Supports Families
Rusty trombones


Slaughter Gang


The Red C-Note
Date Party Was Created
Requirements for joining
No criminal record

Must have been a resident of the city for atleast 8 years.

Be serious about the party's goals
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