- Joined
- Mar 29, 2022
- Messages
- 104

Family Name | La Familia
Family Owner | Charlie Russo (ID:133326)
Family House Number | 729
Family Owner Discord | Charlie#1337
Family Owner Forum Link | Charlie Russo
Family Founders | Charlie&Ozzie Russo
Family Logo: Family
Dress Code:

History: Back in the 1980's a group of friends from a small village in Italy established this organization, where people get together and make big money with their own businesses and Deals.
After a while, all of the organizations gained wealth and fame and we started getting more people who wanted to do the same as we do so they gained our trust and we kept growing. The goal was to be the head of the Italian underground and make ourselves a big name in History.
In the early 2000s, we had so many people in our organization that we started showing other organizations how powerful we are.
Nowadays the organization has a big Name and we have many alliances with other organizations which makes us even stronger in the underground world.
Family Goals:
-Take over territories
-Become a very respected family within the city
-Help out newcomers into the city
-Host events globally or within the family for entertainment and good times
-Own businesses and produce money for family purposes
Family Ranking:
CEO(Rank 10) | Member in this rank is the founder and Owner of the family. This rank is unobtainable.
President(Rank 9) | This rank is for the members who have been in the family since the start of it and helped get it to where it is today. This rank has the same power as Rank 10 and is unobtainable.
Captain(Rank 8) | This rank is for members who have been with the family for a long time and have dedicated time to the growth of the family. This rank is extremely hard to obtain and can only be received if all Rank 9+ deems you extremely trustworthy. This member is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the family.
OG(Rank 7) | This rank is for loyal members who have shown activeness within the family, maturity, and eagerness to help the family and members within the family for a long period of time.
Squad Leader(Rank 6) | This rank is for members who have shown loyalty to the family and always try their hardest to attend family events.
Veteran(Rank 5) | This rank is people who consistently show involvement within the family and help its growth of it. Plus additionally, get access to more vehicles and priority on weapon hand out.
Loyalist(Rank 4) | This rank is for members who have proven themselves to be one of the best shooters in the family.
Soldier(Rank 3) | This rank is people who consistently show involvement within the family and help its growth of it. Plus additionally, get access to more vehicles.
Rookie(Rank 2) | This rank are people who consistently show involvement within the family and help the growth of it.
Fish(Rank 1) | Entry rank into the family.
Family Rules : 1) Must Know Server Rules 2) No Toxicity 3) Must Work Together 4) Competence required 5) No Disrespecting Our Family Members
Family Cars: