First of all , as you can see clearly I was in the city center and I wasn’t inside the ghetto . So I don’t get how he thought it was a good idea to engine block me and try to rob me alone . (You can see in the clip that he hops out of the car and
all alone points the gun at me . His friend came after I left ) . And even if they were 2 in rule 6.16 it states that to stop
and rob a person you need at least 4 people .
Also I would like to add that they were
communicating outside of the game . (probably METAGAMING )
Secondly I would like to add that i would never had left the situation.I don’t say it for an excuse but I play on an 2018 Acer laptop and after the last rockstar update it freaks out when I try to clip something . I didn’t want to
RISK IT and lose 2 mil because of some guy just randomly stopping me and trying to rob me inside the city
Finally .I hope you can understand my frustration and why I did what I did . If the
RP situation was at least at a bare minimum I could have at least thought of staying and played off .