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Blue Hyper

Nov 18, 2021

Family Name: Shinobi Mafia
Family Founder: Emma Pippa ID 7362
Family House Number: 480
Family Owner Forum profile link: Blue Hyper
Family Owner Discord: ! Blue Hyper#5404

The Shinobi Mafia is an exclusive Chechen gang founded in the highest mountains of Chechnya who moved to Los Santos. They do not actively look for new members. The members of the Shinobi Mafia met a long time ago and have since grown to become a group consisting of people who have fled Chechnya. The group name and the actual grouping came about when Pablo, Don, Alex , Carter, Alex , Hunter Divvy and Emma (later on) started hanging out consistently and called themselves the Shinobi Mafia.
Members of the group spend most of the days together participating in activities beneficial to the family, to fighting for ammo or illegal activities such as running drugs or robbing people. Other than that, they do also have normal jobs. Pablo works as a Cop (LSPD), Alex is a well-known business man. Also, Emma and Yeahya handle the illegal side of the families affairs. The Shinobi Mafia is a family split in two as, we have the legal and illegal side. The details of who runs the illegal activities for the Family are Classified. The Shinobi Mafia also, like to help those who are unable to defend themselves in the city and show those who are new to the city around.
The Business side of the family is run by Alex and he also manages our finances. Alex is also responsible for keeping our members in check and resolving any disputes between family members.
Also, Pablo sells cars and other items in order to keep the family well funded and ensure all members get rewarded for their hard work. Even though, Carter is the founder of The Alex , decisions for the family aren't just made by him, the members of the family decide on the final outcome of anything.
The alex also have specific set of principles and morals that set us apart from other families:

Respect is Earn not given
Loyalty is a must (Snitches get Stitches)
Everyone is treated equally
Civilians are not attacked or harmed
Anyone with a history of disloyalty may not join




Special Jounin




Academy Student


The Shinobi Mafia goals are to the help those who are unable to defend themselves and avenge the wrongdoings that have happened to them. We would also, ensure the actions we take out are justified and not cruel. Also, we will supply the city with their goods whether there legal or illegal goods as a means to make money and help the family grow.

Family Motto: 'By the order of the Shinobi Mafia'
Family Colour: Black and White
Founded: Est 2021​
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
Could you update this bio to include your 1. forums profile link 2. Family outfit 3. Family logo

Xavier Escuela

Jun 26, 2021

I accept your unofficial ORG bio thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
you will be given unofficial status within 24 hours in-game and discord
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