- Joined
- Mar 28, 2023
- Messages
- 118
1. Manas Sandhu
2. 20
3. GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas Verlice#1894
6. Manas Bolo
7. 8006
Additional Information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .
ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol
(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and confiscated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates
This would be the rank System of the organization when I would be leading :-
30. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )
29. Lt. General ( Deputy )
28. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
27. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
26. Major
25. Captain
High commands
National Guards
24. First lieutenant
23. Second lieutenant
22. Chief Warrant Officer
21. Warrant Officer
20. Gunnery Sergeant
19. Sergeant
18. Major Specialist
17. Master Specialist
16. Senior Specialist
15. Junior Specialist
14. Specialist
13. Major Corporal
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Junior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Major Private
7. Master Private
6. Senior Private
5. Junior Private
4. Private
3. Trainee
2. On Leave / Loa
1. Suspended
All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything.
1. Manas Sandhu
2. 20
3. GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas Verlice#1894
6. Manas Bolo
7. 8006
Additional Information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .
ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol
(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and confiscated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates
This would be the rank System of the organization when I would be leading :-
30. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )
29. Lt. General ( Deputy )
28. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
27. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
26. Major
25. Captain
High commands

National Guards

24. First lieutenant
23. Second lieutenant
22. Chief Warrant Officer
21. Warrant Officer
20. Gunnery Sergeant
19. Sergeant
18. Major Specialist
17. Master Specialist
16. Senior Specialist
15. Junior Specialist
14. Specialist
13. Major Corporal
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Junior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Major Private
7. Master Private
6. Senior Private
5. Junior Private
4. Private
3. Trainee
2. On Leave / Loa
1. Suspended
All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything.