it was a black magic, i was wearing clothes for me i cannot record pov for this because my pc cannot handle
it is not problem from me that it was not showing
please i am guilty , i am really sorry. You can check the logs for me that if i weared clothes or not .
i invested so much time in this city please unban me it was just a glitch that i didnt even know about.
My pc cannot handle recordings my game lags toooo much if i do . Please i will not join any events from now that needs pov please
. I have so many cars please I want to return to city I invested so much time please
what was my mistake
it was a black magic, i was wearing clothes for me i cannot record pov for this because my pc cannot handle
it is not problem from me that it was not showing
please i am guilty , i am really sorry. You can check the logs for me that if i weared clothes or not .
i invested so much time in this city please unban me it was just a glitch that i didnt even know about.
My pc cannot handle recordings my game lags toooo much if i do . Please i will not join any events from now that needs pov please