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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Karim atlas
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Adi Vincent
May 23, 2023

Karim Atlas

Aug 3, 2022
Hello Booby or any other reviwng admin, This is my final appeal where i would like you guys to hear me out and reconsider the punishemtn or any other thing.

you all know that i have been banned for 60 days for "admin disrespect", i have looked at the last 2 forums replaies and i thought to my selft, i have never made a twink and i only play on 1 acount which is "8465" and i have been grinding on this account since the first day of en3, i have played every single day since en3 started untill the last few weeks, i didnt play much, infact i didnt even play any game pretty much, i hoped on grand rp for like 30 minutes becuase its the game i enjoy the most between all games, and then i hoped of, i didnt play for the next 3 or 4 days then i decided to hop on and see whatsup with the game, after that i hoped of and i turned of my pc and everything, woke up the next day, didntr load the game up, looked in the discord and found that i am no longer deputy and i asked the leader why and stuff and we talked, then i hoped on and i saw that i am banned for 60 days, i dont know any reason why i would get ban, like i took a break from all games and i havent broken a single rule in the 30minutes i played, i saw that it said admin disrespect and i didnt disresepct anyone, i swear to god, i didint even know that i have a twnk, out of every server i play, i make 1 account unless i am banned, now thank to every admin i havent got ban on en3, i have no knowledge of any twink untill i tried to make a secnond account where it sayd you have reached the maximum accounts or something, at that moment i knew that someone had made a twink and i sewar to god i havent done it or have any knowledge of any of it, i swear ask any player or admin and see that i love all of tghem and have never tried to hurt or make someone feel bad, tho i feel extremly sad for hemanth and i hope nothing like this happens again,

Understand my sitaution please im begging you, even if you reduce my ban to 30 days even thoug i am innocent but i cant wait to pl;ay my fav game/server, Please idk why this happend to me or hemanth and i now have a twink that i dont even know who created it or the password/email. Please bobby understand my situation im begging you.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Same Social, Same Account even Same IP on both accounts, still want to tell me its not you and its a ghost on your PC ?
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