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May 30, 2023

1. Your name IRL - Prashad Das
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 4 to 7 Hours
5. Your Discord - King Deer#0004
6. Your Nickname - Ayush Kirigaya
7. Your ID - 10346

Additional information

1. Leader of... NATIONAL GUARD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
• As from the oast General except some had a poor leadership and term struggling on gates and proper events management also low activity Due to lack of efforts to make them good and perfect for future but they usally give up but when it comes to my case I could assure i wont do these things nor allow it but have a lot of plan dedication and skills for this position and would be the best choice so far and I will also make sure that my term wont sudfer due to my inactivity but always have a good and active/dedicated leader who can actually make it on TOP , I will have my deputies really good so they wont mess things up nor make silly mistakes which can lead to org punishment but a good one who can actually manage and help the org grow to the fullest ,I will also inteoduce good training video and guide also good rr team for better quality in soldiers for betterment in future , I have been playing in this project for than year being Cos/00 in FIB en1 , Cos fib en3 , Lt col Ng en1 , Teml general en3 from which i gained the exp needed for beindg a perfect leader for this field and could make this really good in terms of leading it , I have a lot of connections and people who will eventually join NG if i get the term and would help to decrease in activity in the org .

• I will focus on events as well as gates at the same time as i couls see in the past terms if we focus on gates we dont usually have the num for other events and ammorun and the other org suffer for it but in my term if i get general i will fix these things and implement a good plan for this which will tackle inactivity and will also make sure to orgs suffer for our inactivity in terms of ammoruns and I could also see NG having poor performance in Fz raid but in my term i will make sure we win all the raids by our plan and unity with other orgs for a better result , I will also make sure people gets satisfied and work according to thier assigned rank , the department hods and member should always try to complete thier tasks as In the previous term there was inacitivity in departments which i will fix , I will make sure we use the resorces of NG and try to make something useful from it

NG is facing a log of problems from the past terms and the leader isnt taking actions upon these things but they are focusin on getting people but people usally feel bored in NG but in my term I will focus kn facing the problems which NG is facing as i believe every problem as its own solution which it can be fixed from this i will make NG so good and disciplined that it would attract people to join and will try to make it on top together as unity is a big major point of success , I will make sure that we always have an supervisor a Hc who can handle and manage the NG when leader/deputy isnt there to do so from which if NG did any mistake they could fix them and manage it and lead it , I will also make sure NG fulfill its task and the 3 Gp per week , also fulfill curator demands , I will make sure that NG doesnt face any problems for me or my deputy , I will also try to make the term so fun and exiciting for people so they wont feel bored .
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
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