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Mar 13, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Brodiee Reef
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Mobile, Alabama
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: All over body excluding the hands and face.
Strengths: Extremely loyal, Exceptional marksman skills, Superior tactics when it comes to dangerous situations.
Weakness: Quick to anger (especially when provoked)

Life Story:

Brodiee Reef was born into a family with a mother who was a junior lawyer and a father who was an alcoholic and not present during most of his childhood. As he grew up, he realized he wanted more out of life and worked hard to become a law-abiding police officer. Unfortunately, his father's condition worsened over time, and he got involved with the wrong crowd, eventually leading to his death at the hands of the Cartel. This tragedy left Brodiee's mother depressed and anxious, causing her to lose her job and turn to hard drugs to cope with her feelings. Brodiee had to take time off from work to care for his mother and ensure that she was well taken care of. He had to pay the bills and provide for her basic needs while she was coping with her addiction. After six years of struggling to make ends meet, Brodiee caved in and started to give out information to local gangs, including the Ballas and Bloods. They promised to protect his mother and provide care for her needs, including her medication. However, this decision came at a great cost to Brodiee, who put his job and reputation on the line. He knew that he was breaking the law, but he felt he had no other choice but to turn to criminal activity to provide for his mother.

Career Story:

Brodiee's life story is a classic example of how one decision can change the course of your life. After completing his Master's degree in Psychology, Brodiee decided to join the Los Santos Police Department as a cadet. It was a bold move, but he was determined to make the most of it. Brodiee went through many trainings, and his hard work and dedication paid off as he worked his way up the ranks. Eventually, he joined the elite SWAT team, and he became the Head of SWAT. However, life had other plans for Brodiee. When his father passed away, Brodiee took a break from the department to take care of his mother. It was during this time that he realized he was drowning in debt and bills were piling up. Brodiee was at a crossroads, and he had to make a tough decision. He could return to the department and work his way back up to his previous rank, or he could take a shortcut and get the fast cash he needed. Unfortunately, Brodiee chose the latter. He started selling information to gangs about his whereabouts and the whereabouts of his fellow officers. This decision marked the beginning of a dark path for Brodiee. He became more and more involved with the gangs, and his actions became increasingly dangerous. Brodiee's life spiraled out of control, and he found himself in a situation he never thought he would be in. He was in debt, and he was hungry for any penny he could get his hands on. Brodiee's story is a cautionary tale about the importance of making the right decisions in life. One decision can change the course of your life, and Brodiee's story is a reminder of that.


1. Brodiee can take cash bribes for up to (100k)
2. Brodiee can sell or use illegal weapons that he got from criminals or the black market (Not ORG weapons)
3. Using the darknet Brodiee can assist with Prison Escapes (once daily with darknet task)
4. Brodiee will be helping family and friends, when possible, ex. Reducing time and/or starting a prison break.
5. Brodiee can find and break bodycam (/try finds the hidden bodycam and removes and breaks the SD card) 2 times per situation.
6. Brodiee can use ORG radio while off duty to gain inside information.
7. Brodiee can lie about calling a lawyer or refuse to call a lawyer.
8. Brodiee can lie about his first and last name to avoid incrimination.
9. Brodiee can participate in any criminal activity and break state laws on or off duty (within RP reason)
10. Brodiee can plant illegal items on people to incriminate them (within RP reason)

Harvey Spector

May 30, 2021

Outcome1- Cannot become hostage
Outcome 5-/try to find the bodycam (only 2 times) and /do to destroy it
Outcome 9- Not against server script

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY

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