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Feb 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL -James Hilditch
2. Your age -35
3. Time zone -GMT
4. Average online per day -4 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord -james-lee#0100
6. Your Nickname -jamess-lee
7. Your ID -259481

Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- want to see it grow.

I have been in the NG for four terms ( three full) I have seen people come and people go and i have seen times where it was empty.
Knowing that every other LEO-org depends on the National Guard for their ammo so i will try my best to never let this happen again and always have the gates staffed.

- make the national guard a real army again.

I would like to keep the National guard as structurised as possible. Have clear and strict rules that every soldier has to follow.
and bring back discipline to this great organisation.

- make it a fun experience for everyone so that people want to be on duty.

Eventough i would like to see this organisation as Strict and disciplined as it could possibly get.
I still want my Focus laid on the Fun , Brotherhood and experience that this organisation can offer and have an unforgettable time with everyone willing to join.
being on duty should not feel like work and events should not be a chore i would like to see people come on duty because they want to be here themselves.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Like i stated before i believe that for the National guard to be improved in Roleplay is when it gets stricter and more Disciplined ( Soldiers better trained) do more trainings in cooperation with other organisations.
and have a Close to reality Ranking system. Being in the military my entire life gave me an insight of how it should function.
I would like to have a bigger impact on the city with the SASD Department Being viable and active instead of the myth it is today.
Have my Regiments led by serious ambitious people and Show everyone that the National Guard is more then just standing on gate duty.

Bjorn Blake

May 17, 2021

Rejected !
Lack of efforts in application ,
The reason you provided for becoming a leader is not sufficient
We are not looking for a leader the specifications you provided
Apply again with full efforts when we re-open..

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