Hi, I got banned for rule 3.2 Parents should not be mentioned in all chats, including voice | Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.
I agree with all the other rules that I broke that I should not have done that.
I will link the report and the video here so you can understand really what I am going to talk about.
in the youtube video at the 10:15 mark is where you should look from and you can hear me saying "Bro, I'm older than your mom." which I, didn't mean to say the "mum" part and it just flipped out. Also at the 10:55 mark, you see me pull up to him on the gas station to make it clear I was not trying to insult his mom and it was nothing personal at all anyways, as I said: "I'm not insulting your mom, how is that insulting your mom?" and he goes later on: "I won't decide that". He is clearly not caring about it or taking it personally and just looks for another thing to get me banned which I think is unfair, so I am only asking for the 7-day ban to be changed to a 180 minute mute.
I agree with all the other rules that I broke that I should not have done that.
I will link the report and the video here so you can understand really what I am going to talk about.
Approved - Multiple rulebreaks | 2238
Hello I am reporting Player ID: 2238 He did his best to break mass rules. It is a long pov of 10min because I wanted to show you guys what all happened. Thanks for your time 6.2 It is forbidden to leave the RP situation by refusing to continue the RP situation, not accepting / refusing...