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Stephen Trinity

Nov 15, 2021
Organization: LSPD

ID: 30710
Name: Stephen Trinity
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: INDIA
Place of Birth: Kerala
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: black
Hair color: Green with yellow shade
Tattoos: right and left shoulder , Neck
Strengths: Professional Driving Skills, Excellent Aim/ Shooting Skills, Great communication skills

Life Story: Stephen Trinity was dealt a seriously bad hand of cards, growing up in INDIA Stephen witnessed multiple crimes daily. His father was never around but one of his probation officers saw the struggles and the situation the kid was dealt. He had come too close to wasting his life away with charges and gangs. Stephen understood that the things he was doing was wrong, but it was his way to survive. As Stephen grew up, he was struggling to find an outlet for his skills in weapons, muscle, and street knowledge. He was approached on the corner of his block by an old friend, His old probation officer. Stephen was offered a chance at a new life, one at which would put him and his mother in a stable position, all he had to do was leave the streets behind and help his old friend on a few cases for a chance to become an actual officer. backed into a corner of success or failure, Stephen took the leap and decided the offer was once and a lifetime. Turns out the streets had just prepared him to be one of the best LEO marksmans and highest arrest counts ever listed.

Career Story: Stephen's probation officer had cultivated him into a perfect officer. Stephen's mother passed soon after he got out of training. This led Stephen to his old ways, he started taking anger out on cuffed criminals and taking small bribes from repeat offenders. Stephen let his anger get to him one night and arrested and corruptly attacked an unknown mafia Don for money. Once the rest of the mafia got word,Stephen was kidnapped. They knew about his skills and let him go with the message "you owe us, you owe us lots of favors, we'll see you soon". Without his mother to keep him stable, and his Newfound favors owned to the mafia. Stephen ultimately went headfirst into the hands of the mafia. Once IA caught wind of a bribery poorly covered, Stephen was pulled in for questioning. 3 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes, and 35 seconds was total added up interrogation time. Internal affairs used Stephen to take down the mafia, which for Stephen came a deal. That deal was to either go back to the streets to his moms old, abandoned house or move cross country and be implemented into LSPD a state of the arts precinct in Los Santos. all he had to do was change his ways. Stephen took the job to be saved from the mafias street goons that would surely get him if he went home. Surrounded by new faces Stephen was the perfect top officer once again. However, the Mafia leader broke out, located Stephen and announced his plans to bring back the mafia, He just needed Stephen's help. Over the years Stephen has learned to cover up better. leading him to be corrupt once again. This time Stephen's doing it the correct way with a newfound loyalty to the mafia and bending the law surely won't stand in his way. Justice or Death.

1- Due to Stephen's street skills in concealment, and fear of being identified, Stephen can lie about his first and last name and refuse to show ID

2- Due to Stephen's opinion of being underpaid and his past of living check to check Stephen can take Cash Bribes (up to 100k)

3- Due to Stephen thinking cops are underpaid and the need for extra money to survive Stephen can take weapons and/or ammunition from Deceased individuals, and trade or buy items on the black market (no state articles and no looting in gun fight)

4- Due to Stephen's opinion on the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, mostly leading to the rich getting away with more Stephen can lower, raise, and/or remove fines (up to 100k) and prison time as he deems fit. (i will use darknet if already processed)

5- Due to Stephen's short temper, when someone gives him a hard time, he can plant evidence and arrest them. Those that disrespect him can also be tortured before being processed. (rp must be played)

6- Due to Stephen's need to protect himself from being caught or the risk of betraying the mafia Stephen can prevent incrimination for himself or others by killing them (w RP reason)

7- Due to the side of criminal activity that pays well and him being in a ruthless mafia Stephen can participate in any criminal activity and break all state laws on or off duty.Stephen can even start a prison break (within valid RP reason)

8- Due to Stephen's past he's very aware and its borderline impossible to hide things from him. Stephen can find and destroy any bodycams (hidden or not) by using the /try command (twice per situation)

9- Stephen's skill in concealment and manipulating allows Stephen to lie about lawyer requests to civilians

10- Stephen can demand criminals to drop their weapons, then take it and for personal use or sell on black market (no org weapons)
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