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Rejected Get Money Gang | Unofficial Organisation

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Simpy Hill

Jun 23, 2022

Family name - Get Money Gang | GMG
Family owner - Simpy Hill | ID 157188
Family house number - 1406
Family Discord Owner - SkillNotLuck#2130
Family Leader forum - Simpy Hill


There once was a family called Serendipity. Serendipity was a safe haven for a group retired members from legal organisations who all happened to have worked extremely hard for months on ends in their chosen career. These members came from all the legal organisations, let it be SAHP up to Government with one goal in mind. To have fun and not having to worry about anything else. This drive and ambition sought out for a couple of months before deciding to come out of retirement which didn't seem to have worked quite right in their favours. Chaos started and different opinions formed within the family members who wanted to rush through the process and those who wanted to take their time. The leader wanted one thing whilst the high command of the family wanted other. This caused this tight knit group to grow wary of the family and watchful for their opportunity to break off on their own. While waiting for their opportunity, several family members found themselves becoming intrigued with the idea of walking that line between living a legal law abiding life and the possibilities that would come with a life of crime. This caused even more dissention and the decision was made that in order to finally experience life on the "dark" side of the city, the family would have to split. Simpy gathered his most trusted people, but also those who were on the verge of leaving the current family by reopening their old family Get Money Gang. A family that was well known back in the days. The ultimate goal of this new family was to become the most powerful and feared crime family in all of San Andreas. It was a resounding yes from those included and the transition happened swiftly. The split of Serendipity ultimately caused that family to crumble and this new Get Money Gang, to form and flourish from the family they once were to the family they can become again.

Family goals:

Embed ourselves within the city, in both the legal and illegal worlds. Operating in both worlds to help us achieve our goal to own a slice of this city.

Secure ownership of a drug lab.
Maintain trade in the black market
Maintain profits from store and Highway robberies.

Rise to high command positions in the various legal organization operating in the city.
Maintain Trade at the beach market.
Recruit more friendly likeminded individuals into the family.

To be well connected around the city to know what's going on within private rooms and to know what to avoid.

Organisational structure:

- Founding Member

Deputy Leader - Trusted member that helps the OG manage the family. Each OG Deputy Leader chooses there own Right Hand to help them with there duties.

Jr High Command- Members that have proven they know all the rules of the city, They will be the key players in the family's criminal interests and will be responsible for choosing and managing the sergeant's and all negotiations during store robberies.

Captain - These will be the main Captain of the family's criminal interests chosen and managed by the Captains

Sergeant - These are trusted members focused on helping new members, pursuing the family's legal interests and rising threw the ranks in the city's state ORGS. They choose 2 Specialists each to help them in there duties and manage the Initiates and Trainees.

Specialist- Chosen by the Sergeants these trusted members help them with their duties in the family.

Soldier - The main Soldiers pursuing the families legal interests in the city that have proven there knowledge of how to succeed in this city and have proven there knowledge of the city's laws.

Initiate - These members serve the same purpose as the Soldiers but they need to show us proof of loyalty and good understanding of what most of the basic rules of the city are to be able to be trusted.

Trainee - Has a good understanding of what we do and are about.

Affiliate- Starting Rank open to people at the hotel on there arrival to the city also friends of the family that are not members of another family.

How we plan to achieve these goals:

Our family operates an "any means necessary" approach to growing our reputation and solidifying our position within the city.
We operate in sectors and these sectors have their own responsibilities to cement our families position.

One sector is dedicated to the legal side of things, helping players and providing great reputation within the state and state employment. Here we aim to demonstrate our ability to progress within the laws of the city, clear role models that can help others that wish to follow in these footsteps and pursue all are legal interests.

Our other sector is dedicated to the illegal side of things, protection and family business interests. While the whole family are consulted on family matters only one sector will represent our family here. This sector is being built to be the most fierce and strongest opponent in order to build and protect our business interests and all illegal interest within the city.


We intend our pursuit in family business from oil well all the way to plantations. By family business, the ability to include personal business such as parking/clothing store/barber shop/etc will also be accepted if these people feel comfortable making it a part of the family profits.

How the family will make money:

The family will make money illegally from street robbery, store robberies & black market sales and legal income will come from beach market sales, trade with other citizens and from working within the cities legal orgs. We also intend to pursue are interest in various family business

Family Rules:

. Respect and listen to higher up calls.
2. Treat all family members with dignity and respect.
3. Family outfit has to be on in any family event/activity.
4. No toxicity.
5. 3 strike rule

Family Motto:

Go home or die trying

Family colour:


Dress Code:

Red Shirt
2. Any Pants

Man and Female:

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