- Joined
- Jan 19, 2023
- Messages
- 252

I. General provisions.
1.1 The Charter of FIB is the main document regulating the activities of FIB employees.
1.2 Knowledge and compliance with the Charter of FIB are mandatory for all FIB agents without exceptions.
1.3 In their work activities, FIB employees are obliged to comply with the current Charter and the departments' internal regulations and directives.
1.4 Only the current Director of FIB has the right to make amendments to the Charter.
1.5 If a sanction is not specified in the article of the Charter, it is at the discretion of the management.
1.6 The Director of FIB, Deputy Directors of FIB, Internal Affairs Specialists, and senior FIB staff are considered as the management of the Bureau.
1.7 It is prohibited to exploit vulnerabilities in the Charter of FIB to evade responsibility. (Vulnerability also includes a literal interpretation of a rule without understanding its application).
II. About the working day.
2.1 The working day in the Federal Bureau is 24/7.
2.2 CID and IA employees have the right to manage their working time at their discretion, depending on the tasks assigned to them by management.
Exception: A video recording of task execution.
2.3 FIB employees may be called upon by management during time off and outside of working hours if necessary.
2.4 At the end of the working day and when going on leave, the employee is required to return the equipment, including the work uniform.
2.5 An employee is entitled to 3 days of leave, starting from the position of Field Agent (rank 5+). If they are required to be absent for a more extended period, the leave must be approved by the management.
2.5.1 If the leave is expected to be longer than 5 days the agent will be suspended for the time of the leave.
2.5.2 The leave cannot be longer than 7 days. In case an employee has a reason for a leave for a longer period of time their employment will be terminated for the time of the leave.
2.6 All FIB agents are obliged to carry their identification badges at all times.
2.6.1 An employee is obliged to present their identification badge or credential in cases specified by the law. | Strict warning/Demotion.
2.7 An employee is obliged to record bodycam footage of their entire shift and store it for 48 hours. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
(( Note: Bodycam must be a valid IC bodycam using RP commands and providing proof of the bodycam in the logs. ))
III. About the hierarchy.
3.1 The Director is the highest-ranking official in the FIB structure. His orders, as well as those of his deputies, are mandatory for all Bureau employees and cannot be appealed.
3.2 All heads of departments of FIB, their deputies, "00" agents, and all agents of the ranks Chief of Staff and higher are required to maintain secrecy and be classified.
Exception: The aforementioned individuals are obliged to present their identification badges as per Article 2.6.1.
3.3 The orders of the senior staff within the department are mandatory for execution.
3.4 In the absence of the senior staff of the department, its employees are required to obey the members of the senior staff of other departments.
Exception: CID and IA, during the execution of assigned tasks.
3.5 The senior staff is entitled to carry out personnel rearrangements within their department.
3.6 IA Specialists are authorized to request materials from the body cameras of Federal Bureau employees for official purposes.
3.7 Senior staff of the Spec. Ops. department has the right to involve employees from other departments in tasks related to their position in a mandatory manner.
Note: Only during special operations.
Exception: CID employees.
3.7.1 The authorities of the senior staff of FIB departments:
- To effectively manage departments in the absence of their superiors at the workplace.
- To form a formation for regrouping, check the settings of the state-issued radio.
Note: Only by order or approval of the Director or his deputy.
- To provide assistance to currently operating departments of FIB.
- To carry out special assignments of the director.
3.8 The authority to include individuals in the organization's blacklist is possessed only by the Director, his deputies, and Chiefs of Staff.
IV. About the disciplinary regulations.
4.1 In their work activities, FIB employees are required to rely on the current Charter and state legislation.
4.2 Discipline in the federal bureau is maintained through the application of the following types of disciplinary actions: Verbal warning, Strict warning, Reassessment, Demotion, Suspension, and Termination.
4.3 The Director and his deputies have the right to impose any punishment for violation of the Charter within the limits of the above, regardless of the punishment specified in the regulations.
4.4 An employee cannot impose disciplinary action on a higher-ranking agent but can report the matter to their superiors.
4.5 The authority to impose disciplinary actions is held by: the Director and his deputies, the senior staff of FIB, and the employees of IA.
4.6 It is prohibited to have a biased attitude towards employees when imposing disciplinary measures. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
4.6.1 Addressing higher ranks must be respectful and observe subordination. | Verbal warning
4.7 The decision to issue or revoke a warning may be overturned by the acting Director or his deputies.
4.8 A verbal warning is lifted after 3 days of active work. A strict warning is lifted after 7 days of active work.
Note: The decision to lift a reprimand is made by the Director of FIB, a Deputy Director, or the IA department.
4.9 Receiving two verbal warnings is equivalent to one strict warning.
4.10 Receiving a strict warning is grounds for reassessment at the discretion of the issuing authority. Receiving three Strict warnings is grounds for dismissal from the Bureau.
Note: Exceptions may apply.
4.11 There is a system of reprimands for departments. If a department fails to comply with its job instructions, the department may receive a reprimand under a similar system.
4.12 A department receiving a strict warning is grounds for a reassessment of the whole department at the discretion of the issuing authority. A department receiving 3 Strict warnings is grounds for disbanding of a department.
4.13 It is prohibited to be promoted while having a strict warning.
V. Employee performance supervision.
5.1 It is prohibited to disregard orders from direct supervisors and internal department regulations. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.2 It is prohibited to have a biased attitude toward Bureau employees and state citizens. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
Note: An FIB employee must be impartial in decision-making.
5.3 Skipping more than three work days without leave. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Suspension.
5.4 It is prohibited to use special equipment for non-official purposes. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.5 It is prohibited to violate the dress code of FIB or the dress code of a department. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
Exception: Chief of Staff and higher rankin agents, as long as the uniform is appropriate and professional.
5.6 It is prohibited to wear masks except for the "balaclava" mask while on duty. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
5.6.1 It is prohibited to wear the "balaclava" mask while being off duty or not wearing the uniform. | Verbal warning/Strict warning
Exception: CID department during undercover busts or when arresting offenders.
5.7 It is prohibited to violate the norms of the ethical code. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.8 It is prohibited to undermine the reputation and authority of the Bureau with one's actions. | Demotion/Termination.
5.9 It is prohibited to demonstrate superiority over citizens and employees of other state structures. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.10 It is prohibited to show a disrespectful attitude towards the state's citizens. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.11 It is prohibited to use the Bureau's vehicle fleet for personal purposes. | Strict warning/Demotion.
5.12 It is prohibited to request promotions/bonuses. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Demotion.
5.13 It is prohibited to violate subordination in communication with superiors. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
5.14 It is prohibited to create conflicts within the organization. | Strict warning/Termination.
5.15 It is prohibited to engage in gambling or visit entertainment establishments during working hours. | Strict warning (Exception: CID agents during detective activities).
5.16 Inappropriate behavior by FIB personnel, both in operational work and while on HQ premises, is prohibited. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Demotion.
Note: Inappropriate behavior includes: inappropriate animations, jumping off buildings, dancing, shouting, etc.
5.17 It is prohibited to store/use prohibited substances or weapons. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Termination.
5.18 It is prohibited to discuss/challenge orders from management or higher authorities. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
5.19 It is prohibited to deceive the senior staff and other FIB employees. | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
5.20 It is prohibited to use the Department radio without a reason. | Strict warning/Demotion.
5.21 The FIB employee is required to turn on the organization's radio when starting a shift. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
5.22 It is prohibited to use the organization's radio for purposes other than its intended use. | Verbal Warning/Strict warning.
Note: This Article implies prolonged aimless conversations, as well as inappropriate communication. (( Also implies MG ))
5.23 Ignoring the radio when addressed by superiors is prohibited. | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
(( Note: Radio implies the /f chat and the voice radio. ))
5.24 It is prohibited to sleep on duty. | Verbal warning.
Explanation: If an agent needs a break for no more than 5 minutes they can do it on the 49th, and 53rd floors or the roof of FIB HQ. If an agent needs a longer break they are required to return their gear and take off their uniform.
Note: Exceptions may apply.
VI. Regulations for being in formation.
6.1 The employee must report to formation upon the order of the superiors, in accordance with the hierarchy of the current Charter. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Demotion.
Clarification: In case of an emergency situation, FIB agents are given - 5 minutes to assemble.
6.2 While in formation it is prohibited to:
6.2.1 Shout, actively gesticulate, make loud noises, play music. | Verbal warning.
6.2.2 Leaving formation without permission. | Verbal warning/Strict warning/Demotion.
6.2.3 Constantly ignoring what is happening around, getting distracted (( going AFK )). | Verbal warning/Strict warning.
6.2.4 Talking until addressed by the employee who called the formation or the senior staff of FIB. | Verbal warning.
6.2.5 Using a phone, retrieving weapons, and other items. | First time will be spoken to. If ignored - Verbal warning.
6.2.6 Firing a weapon without orders from the senior staff | Strict warning/Demotion.
6.2.7 Deliberately violate the formation order. | Strict warning/Demotion.
Note: This Article implies repeated or gross violation of the formation regulations.
VII. About the Bureau property.
7.1 Bureau property includes transportation and equipment. Equipment is divided into two types: standard and specialized/heavy.
7.2 Specialized equipment includes sniper rifles, light machine guns, and balaclavas.
7.3 Standard equipment includes armored vests and types of weapons that are not classified as specialized.
7.4 The authorized equipment package for patrol duty:
- 2 armored vests
- Assault rifle of any type or PDW
- 200 Assault rifle ammunition or PDW ammunition
- Shotgun
- 25 Shotgun ammunition
- Taser
- 15 Taser ammunition
7.5 Special equipment is distributed among departments.
7.5.1 Violation of any provision of the Equipment Regulations may result in a prohibition on the use of specialized weapons. The duration of the prohibition is determined by the current management.
7.6 When taking any ammunition, the employee is required to log it in their personal logs.
Note: Exceptions can be made.
7.7 The employee is required to return the ammunition at the end of the shift, following all the necessary logging procedures.
7.8 Air transportation on the FIB premises is under the exclusive control of the senior staff of FIB.
Exception: With approval from the senior staff.
7.9 Armored vehicles on the FIB premises are under the exclusive control of the senior staff of FIB. No exceptions.
VIII. About the special operations.
8.1 Special operations include hostage rescue operations, acts of terrorism, raids, and martial law. (( All events count as special operations ))
8.2 Negotiators can include senior FIB staff, "00" agents, and certified negotiators.
8.3 The order to storm is issued by the highest-in-command at that time.
IX. Rules of FIB internship.
9.1 FIB internship is over when the agent reaches the rank of Field Agent I (rank 5).
9.2 If the junior agent doesn't complete their internship in 7 days they are terminated.
9.3 It is prohibited for junior agents to patrol and participate in special operations without the accompaniment of a FIB agent of rank Field Agent or higher (rank 5+) or senior FIB staff/FTO.
X. Access to the FIB Headquarters.
10.1 To enter the Federal Investigation Bureau's HQ, citizens or employees of state agencies must obtain permission from senior FIB personnel.
Exception: Government inspection, Governor, and the Attorney General.
10.2 Before entering the FIB HQ, the person is required to be searched.
10.3 Upon arrival, the employee is required to park their vehicle in the general FIB parking lot.
10.3.1 The employee of state agencies must receive permission to enter the garage/land on the roof before arriving.
10.4 Moving around the FIB HQ:
10.4.1 Access to the underground garage is only granted to FIB personnel. (Exception: Special operations, approved by the senior staff of FIB and government inspections).
10.4.2 FIB Hall: The FIB Hall can only be used by the senior FIB staff, HR specialists, and all civilians. It is forbidden to allow civilians past the turnstiles.
10.4.3 The 49th floor is used by all employees.
10.4.4 The 53rd floor is used by all employees.
10.5 Roof:
10.5.1 Jumping from the roof of the HQ with or without a parachute is prohibited.
10.5.2 Throwing other agents/people from the roof of the HQ is prohibited.
XI. Weekly meetings.
11.1 A meeting is held every week. The meeting is conducted by the Director of FIB and his Deputies on Saturday at 16:00 - summarizing the week, and discussing reports/issues.
11.2 The Director or Deputy may call for an unscheduled meeting, providing a two-hour notice.
11.3 A weekly meeting of the FIB management is held. It is conducted by the Director of FIB. The meeting takes place on Saturdays at 17:30. During the meeting, the FIB management discusses the week's work, addresses any mistakes, and so on.
XII. Rules for departure and behavior in the ghetto area.
12.1 It is only allowed to enter the ghetto area with the accompaniment of 3 or more special units (JTTF, Spec Ops, senior staff) | Strict warning/Demotion/Termination.
Exception: CID Operatives conducting undercover investigations.
12.2 During trips to the ghetto area, agents are allowed to use weapons only in self-defense.
12.3 It is prohibited for junior agents to enter the ghetto area. | Termination of the junior agent, Strict warning/Demotion/Termination if they were accompanied by another agent.
Exception: Junior agents may enter the ghetto if they are in a convoy during a special operation.

Director of FIB, John Profit
From 15.06.2023
From 15.06.2023
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