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Jessica white

Apr 5, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Jamie Mills
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 8-12
5. Your Discord: Jamie mils#7189
6. Your Nickname: Jamie Dior
7. Your ID: 3916

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

My experience within LEOs in Grand RP is somewhat extensive. I have held numerous High Command positions in SAHP/LSPD/FIB/NG across multiple terms specializing in Recruitment, HR, and Internal Affairs.
Those I have worked/interacted with know I enjoy upskilling all in ‘best practice’ with engaging RP that creates an infectious environment with a positive outcome. I would like for SAHP to continue being an active organization and to keep the crime rate in sand shores to a minimum.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

  • I believe you should meet with other LEOs on a regular basis to strengthen your friendship and sustain high-level roleplay. I believe that there should be a portion of minimum active hours for all ranks so that organization may provide their best because they have more active players.

  • My idea is to create distinct divisions with different functions in departments to assist the company work efficiently and with adequate roleplaying, such as the Training department (help new comers to train and make perfect), Department of Lawyers (Appoint 2 personal organization lawyer and 1 of them should be active.) Internal Affairs department (handles background checks and monitors all officers' working mechanisms), UC department (collects evidence of gangs and crime families, make report and submit to FIB for verification. )

  • I believe that open recruitment drives should be held at least twice a week so that organization may attract the majority of gamers in the city at all hours of the day and night. LEO high leadership should personally oversee the FTO department to ensure that all players receive adequate and timely training.
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