I would Like to get unbanned because I think I did nothing wrong for a 999 day ban
I only RDM'ed and Logged out when the admin came
I never in my life have hacked in any server and this is the only server I have been banned for 999 days
And I never knew he had Hacks he only told me go to ''PlayBoy House'' and lets RDM them and I said ok
and you can see the clip
This is the best server ever so I would love to come back to this community

and I don't remember who banned me so I said Alex Odd because he is the only admin I remember
I only RDM'ed and Logged out when the admin came
I never in my life have hacked in any server and this is the only server I have been banned for 999 days
And I never knew he had Hacks he only told me go to ''PlayBoy House'' and lets RDM them and I said ok
and you can see the clip
This is the best server ever so I would love to come back to this community

and I don't remember who banned me so I said Alex Odd because he is the only admin I remember