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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Shabah Verlice
Administrators nickname
Ivy Void
Jun 11, 2023

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Bismillah al rahman al rahim.
Dear Bobby, Floki, Adham.

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring up a recent incident that occurred during a store robbery in our gameplay session. We had planned the heist meticulously and were enjoying some immersive roleplay. However, Ivy void abruptly interrupted the roleplay, claiming it was fail RP. Their argument was that we were hiding inside the store and eliminating law enforcement officers who were trying to push us out. I fail to see how this qualifies as fail RP. From my perspective, it seems like an in-character issue since we, as criminals, have the right to defend ourselves, and they, as law enforcement, cannot kill us indiscriminately. In fact, there have been instances where they have killed members of our Family multiple times. During their breaks, we even patched them up and played our roles accordingly.

If you consider our actions as fail RP, then it would imply that all gangs should be disbanded since this store robbery strategy is common among them. They repeatedly employ the same tactic, and as you are well aware, most of the time, law enforcement loses the encounter. The gangs' ability to access the store's roof provides them with a significant advantage, and it would be unfair to label it as a bad strategy. Therefore, if you decide to punish our gang for utilizing this strategy, it would be reasonable to block access to the roof of the store for everyone.

I have attached a picture of the store that should be blocked for your reference. (So if what we did is fail-rp then this should also be fail-rp)

Regarding our store robbery today, on the date 23.06.11, we were on the verge of losing due to our limited ammunition and depleted body armor. However, we quickly devised another tactic to turn the tide in our favor. We had some members positioned outside, pushing the law enforcement officers from the exterior, while we simultaneously pushed from the inside out. This strategy proved successful, and we ultimately won the robbery. It goes to show that with the right approach, our strategy is not impossible to overcome.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.
Shabah Verlice


4x Leader | FIB x2 | SAHP | Families
Feb 14, 2022
Hello Dear, Bobby/Adham or Floki as you guys will be aware senior crime and senior state constantly have to have meetings due to state complaining and complaining about us using roofs so we decide okay we will use the inside of the store to help us a little bit.

Realistically we are robbing that store and if in real life someone robbed a store cops would go inside and robbers would try to flee the back doors or hide in the back area so i dont see that this should be deemed as fail rp for us gangs.

Many thanks. Have a nice day

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
At date of 23.06.10 we did same thing and I got this POV from tye event it seems that LEOs are enjoying Grnade and in future if they had captured us they would have more fun arresting us and I do believe both crime and state agrees on that.

State is having while arresting the person and same time while fighting in the store. Crime is having fun while getting the money from the hostage and fighting in the store and both state and crime is looking for the victory ✌️.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

The Admin made the Proper Announcement and Did you all a favor of not Punishing and simply announcing that it is Fail RP/ Refusing to Role play as Gun store is made for Negotiation and Role play, and this is set by Mazhor.
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