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Mia Calipso

May 11, 2023
Organization: SAHP

Name: Mia Trump
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: American
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Blond
Tattoos: Left arm and Stomach
Strengths: Helpful, Leadership skill and smart
Weakness: Power, anger issues and Easily annoyed

Life Story:
Mia Trump was raised in a wealthy neighborhood, but she hated it and wanted to turn it into a hellish place, so she tried to make it that way. She wanted to join the police force to instill fear in the hearts of innocent people, but she also needed to support her family because they were living in a luxurious home on the wealthy side of town. To do this, she would steal from the police force while she was employed there and run scams while working for the force. Her family was apprehended by the police, and Mia did not want that to happen, so she shot every officer present. Now, her family is in the city of Los Santos to leave the wealthy neighborhood and start again in a new city.

Career Story:
When Mia Trump arrived in Los Santos, she wanted to join SAHP. She was doing well—nothing illegal was being done, just a regular cop helping out and locking people up in the name of the law—but she did not enjoy doing this, so she waited out the remainder of her time before leaving.
Mia Trump went to the GOV and wanted to be a lawyer in order to try and do something different for people and not be corrupt like she was in the wealthy neighborhood. She gained more and more skills to get better, but she started to gain leadership skills while in USSS and became extremely intelligent for being a law student and trying to become an attorney. However, these skills would help her out with other things in her career.
The last job she had was with a company called LifeInvader, where she worked as a criminal and played around with SAHP. She loved it there and was great at eluding the law; in fact, she grew to love it so much that she wanted to return to SAHP as a corrupt officer, which is where we are now. She quit her job to work for SAHP.

1- Mia can search and destroy bodycam from anyone (/try searches for bodycam. And /do destroys bodycam.)
2- Mia can take her family out of jail when they need help.
3- Mia can sell drugs and weapons at the black market.
4- Mia does not have to give the 10-15 an lawyer if they ask for one.
5- Mia can comet crimes when she wants.
6- Mia can rise fines and wanted levels.
7- Mia can listen in to the SAHP radio when off duty.
8- Mia does not have to show her badge to Civilian.
9- Mia can can take bribes up to 100k.
10- Mia does not have to read the Miranda rights.
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Asuna ken

Mar 20, 2022

Outcome 2 - Use darknet task if they are already facing time in jail.
Outcome 3 - No org weapons

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