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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
IIvan Pluxury
Administrators nickname
Notix Haze
Jun 6, 2023


Mar 29, 2023
I had played this server for 1 years i never see any ban. I was really broke i can't do anything my mind is thinking when i unban. I miss my friends and my family. I can't do again. This is my last chance. My friends are told me when u got unban. My friends told me you don't get unban so i will left the server. I am not happy for this. I told my friends wait one day is come i am unban u don't left the server. I told on my heart this is the very best server in the world. So sorry for this really trust me this is my last chance. I can't do again. I am happy to say my friends i am unban because he left the server. I told him i am unban my friends are come.
Dear admins- i apologies u pls unban me
Thank you for read my application
- Sabyasachi Das

Grand rp on top!!!!

Sid Kingg

Jun 7, 2023
Dear Admin,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today to kindly request your attention and understanding regarding an issue that involves my friend, IIvan Pluxury, who has been banned from server.

I understand that rules and regulations exist within the server to ensure fair play and maintain a positive gaming environment for all participants. However, I firmly believe that my friend deserves a second chance to rectify his actions and demonstrate his commitment to abiding by the game's policies going forward.

IIvan Pluxury deeply regrets the behavior that led to his ban and has expressed genuine remorse for his actions. He understands the impact his behavior had on the community and the disruption it may have caused. He has taken this incident as a valuable learning experience and has assured me that he is committed to changing his behavior and contributing positively to the community.

I kindly request you to review IIvan Pluxury's case with compassion and fairness, considering his genuine remorse and willingness to learn from his mistakes. I believe that providing him with a second chance would not only benefit him personally but also contribute to the overall positive atmosphere of the game.

I understand that maintaining the integrity of the game is of utmost importance, and I assure you that my friend understands this as well. If given the opportunity, he will approach the game with a renewed sense of respect and adherence to its rules and guidelines.

I kindly ask you to reconsider IIvan Pluxury's ban and grant him a second chance to prove his commitment to being a responsible and respectful member of the gaming community. We both genuinely appreciate your time and consideration in reviewing this appeal.

Thank you for your understanding and for providing us with the opportunity to present this request. We eagerly await your response.


[Siddharth J]
[Sid King (IC)]
[EMAIL: Sid9959]


May 19, 2023
Dear Admin
We respect your decisions and your work but my friend is very nice guy he definitely needs second chance we are requesting you please unban my player and we ensure that he will never do mistakes again

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
Rules are the same for all players​
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