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Hanzo Versace

May 24, 2021
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Date of birth: 24/01/1989
Nationality: Japanese
Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan
Residence: Los Santos City
Sex: Straight
Father: Satoshi Hasashi
Mother: Minato Hasashi
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 225lbs
Body Type: Athletic
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black with hints of white
Personality: Honest, friendly, leadership, ambitious, decision making.
Hobbies: Helping the needy, occasional consumption of illegal substances, off roading and racing, buying expensive cars.
Knowledge of languages: English and Japanese.


Hanzo Hasashi was born in Osaka, Japan and is the only child of Satoshi and Minato Hasashi. His family was poor due to his father being disabled after serving in The Imperial Japanese military. His mother struggled to keep up with bills as she worked two jobs and barely had free time for up bringing her son properly. He grew up in a rough, low-income neighborhood. Most of his friends would either eventually become victims to the corrupt legal system or war against drugs and human trafficking. When his father passed away, the bank foreclosed their house and forced Hanzo and his mother to move into a temporary shelter. He looked to his criminal friends for help for earning money by any means necessary. Hanzo was dedicated to taking care of his mother as she was the only family he had. After 2 months Minato pass away due to a cardiac arrest. He became angry at the world, blaming the Government and the central banking system for the terrible lives his parents lived. Later Hanzo moved to Los Santos and he began street fights and soon started to rule the streets. Seeing his combat skills he was offered a job in prestigious Secret Service by a high command. He agreed to accept the offer because his mother never wanted his son to be a gangster. Soon his toughest training began to become the Elite Officer. He worked it out and aced every trainings. After past few months he was capable enough to be serve as Senior Special Agent and become a role model of few agents in his department. His moto is to keep Governor safe by all means no matter what he has to go through. At the end of the day he will keep his agents safe as well.


• Hanzo will always have a bodycam operating due to his distrust with the legal system.

• Hanzo will recognize voices of individuals hiding their identities with a mask.

• Hanzo is confident in his combat abilities as he took one of the toughest trainings and will be able to take on two people at once if challenged.

• Hanzo will pick up any weapons and ammo on the ground after a gunfight has concluded for personal gain.

• Hanzo will be able to sell legal ammunition in bulk from ammo store in less prices for his profit.

• Hanzo will not participate in anything illegal or unlawful when co-workers are present due to his extreme carefulness.

• Hanzo is rather a morally neutral character as his own personal goals matter more to him.
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