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Jan 3, 2023
Your name IRL
Jon Rose
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12 hours a day
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Jon Rosee
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Additional information
1.Leader of National Guard

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would like to be the leader of this organisation because i would like to challenge myself a bit as i was previously NG and i was a pretty high rank so i have some good experience and can handle hard situations. I would also be very active and try push NG to another level and make sure everyone follows rules.

As a Leader i would host regular refresh trainings for all units after an event so we are all ready and professional, i would also host matches with the arena feature at NG base so we could train our aim so we know we are performing at our best.

Another thing i would do as a Leader is give out special bonuses for events attended like if we go to a event we would take a org photo then i would give everyone a bonus as a thank you for being active and attending events and i would limit this to 1 everyday or 1 every two days. I would also make sure all our officers are being active listening to HC and i will make sure we do not ignore department chat as we like to be as active as possible.

3.Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advice for improving RolePlay will be making sure that all officers follow our chain of command system so like if they need help they will ask from the bottom up to the top instead of asking a HC straight away. I would also as mentioned host daily arena wars for our officers so we can aim train and make sure we follow hc all times. We would have different divisions like for example officers who stay on the ground with ARs pushing then we have some in the air. We would also have a division that stays at base sometimes and protects the base from being raided and they will make sure ammo isnt being taken.

Plain Runner

May 13, 2023
Your name IRL
Jon Rose
Your age
Time zone
Average online per day
12 hours a day
Your Discord
Your Nickname
Jon Rosee
Your ID

Additional information
1.Leader of National Guard

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would like to be the leader of this organisation because i would like to challenge myself a bit as i was previously NG and i was a pretty high rank so i have some good experience and can handle hard situations. I would also be very active and try push NG to another level and make sure everyone follows rules.

As a Leader i would host regular refresh trainings for all units after an event so we are all ready and professional, i would also host matches with the arena feature at NG base so we could train our aim so we know we are performing at our best.

Another thing i would do as a Leader is give out special bonuses for events attended like if we go to a event we would take a org photo then i would give everyone a bonus as a thank you for being active and attending events and i would limit this to 1 everyday or 1 every two days. I would also make sure all our officers are being active listening to HC and i will make sure we do not ignore department chat as we like to be as active as possible.

3.Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My advice for improving RolePlay will be making sure that all officers follow our chain of command system so like if they need help they will ask from the bottom up to the top instead of asking a HC straight away. I would also as mentioned host daily arena wars for our officers so we can aim train and make sure we follow hc all times. We would have different divisions like for example officers who stay on the ground with ARs pushing then we have some in the air. We would also have a division that stays at base sometimes and protects the base from being raided and they will make sure ammo isnt being taken.
good guy he will do good for ng
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