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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Jul 11, 2023


Sep 2, 2022
Dear Game Administrators, I am [Cousin Lyve], a player of the Grand RP, and I am writing to you to request the lifting of the ban that I received for unknowingly violating rule 1.1, which states that creating multiple accounts and logging into the game is prohibited.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge my mistake. I unintentionally breached the rule by not being aware of the prohibition on creating multiple accounts. Inadvertently, I logged into two Rockstar accounts instead of utilizing the allowance to have two accounts linked to a single Rockstar account. I performed this action without being conscious of the rule and I deeply regret it.

Grand RP is a game that I genuinely enjoy, and I respect its rules and regulations. As a dedicated player, I have come to understand the importance of adhering to the rules and committing to fair play. I assure you that I have learned from this mistake and I pledge to be more cautious and knowledgeable moving forward. I will make sure to familiarize myself thoroughly with the game's rules and guidelines to avoid any future violations.

Furthermore, I would like to emphasize my long-standing commitment to Grand RP. I have been an active player for a significant period of time and I take great pride in being part of this community. Interacting with fellow players, creating immersive stories, and contributing positively to the game experience are aspects that I hold dear. Denying me the opportunity to continue my journey in Grand RP due to this ban would be a great loss for me personally, as well as for the community.

I kindly request your reconsideration of my ban, taking into account that my actions were based on a lack of understanding and not intentional misconduct. I deeply regret my mistake and I am genuinely committed to upholding the integrity of the game by strictly following the rules. With the lifting of my ban, I promise to demonstrate my dedication to Grand RP by fostering a fair and enjoyable environment for all players.

Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. I eagerly await a positive response, and I appreciate the opportunity to rectify my error and continue my participation in the Grand RP community.

Sincerely, [Cousin Lyve]

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Will be unbanned and wiped this time only, further rule breaks will not be forgiven.
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