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Jerry Barba / Ex NG Deputy
Jan 1, 2022
Organization: San Andreas National Guard

Name: Jerry Barba
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: The British
Place of Birth: London, UK
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
- Jerry Barba is Resilient, Determined, and a quick thinker.
- Jerry Barba is very ambitious, which may affect many of his choices.

Life Story:
Jerry Barba was born in the gruelling ghettos of London. The air around him suffocated him, while his peers were all members of ferocious gangs. Though Jerry didn't submit to gang life, he wanted better. But, London wasn't cheap, he had to make money somehow...
Barely even 13 years old, Jerry robbed multiple people and landed himself in jail where he would serve 8 months in juvenile prison before being let out. While some say prisons are ineffective, Jerry learned that he had to change, he had to do something to better himself. Of course, education wasn't perfect, only scoring average across most assessments, Jerry thought to himself. "To be average, that's nothing, I will be so much more."
Now, Jerry is 18 and is decided to move to Grand City. Their overwhelming fear but ambition of Jerry led him into serving in the National Guard.

Career Story:
Jerry Barba enlisted into the National Guard at 18. He knew that it wouldn't be easy. But Jerry doesn't give up that easily. He went through the grueling training and he bettered himself as a person. He was better than average. He took risks but who did they benefit, only himself... Of course, National Guard is activated in emergencies by the governor/governess so he had free time when he took a job as a Doctor learning how to save people's lives and rescue people and even into FIB where he learned the difficulties of keeping crime out of Grand City, especially within the Ghetto. Now, Jerry Barba is a commissioned officer with many years ahead of service, where he may choose to personally gain, or help the organization while leaving a lasting impact on the city and its security.

1- Jerry can let suspects go if they offer a bribe (up to 100k) or are a friend and aiding them in escape.
2- Jerry is able to torture/interrogate/kill anyone who is detained by him.
3- Jerry can use drugs on duty.
4- Jerry may sell items on the black market (NO ORG weaponry)
5- Jerry is able to enter the ghetto for his own purposes.
6- Jerry can use illegal weaponry on duty.
7- Jerry can try to locate the bodycam (2 tries) then destroy (/me) then (/do)
8- Jerry can sneak a radio from the National Guard base to use off duty.
9- Jerry may take part in Leftover Components.
10- Jerry may sell information to family or gang members.

Asuna ken

Mar 20, 2022

Outcome 7: /try to search and locate the bodycam and /do to destroy it
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