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Vik Federal

Sep 4, 2022
Name: Vik Federal
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: India
Sexuality: Male
Place of Birth: India
Parents: Dont Know
Weight: 70 KG
Height: 6'3 FT
Natural Eye Colour: Black
Natural Hair Colour: black
tatoo : right hand and left hand and torso

Vik was born in a small rural village nestled in the heart of a lush countryside. Life in the village was simple but fulfilling, with close-knit communities and a strong sense of tradition. However, Vik always yearned for something more, feeling a deep curiosity about the bustling city he had heard tales of.

Early Years:
From a young age, Vik stood out from his peers. He possessed a natural intelligence and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He devoured books, eagerly absorbing information about the world beyond his village's borders. As he grew older, his dreams of experiencing the city's wonders grew stronger.

Journey to the City:
At the age of 14, Vik made the courageous decision to leave his village and pursue his dreams in the city. With a small bag of belongings and a heart full of determination, he embarked on a journey into the unknown. Along the way, he faced various challenges, from harsh weather conditions to encounters with wild creatures. But his resilience and unwavering spirit carried him forward.

Outcomes :-
1.Vik is able to take bribes upto (100k) to improve his financial condition.
2.vik is able to pick up guns and ammunition from the ground for his own benefit. (Not in a gun fight)
3.vik is able to sell and buy the guns and ammunition in black market for his personal benefit ( not able to sell Org weapons and ammo )
4.vik is able to pay his informants for information (up to $100k)
5.vik is able to smash suspects bodycam to stop them from recording (using /try)
6.vik doesn't follow any law while detaining a criminal, he doesn't show his ID, read rights or provide a lawyer
7.vik is able to use illegal weapons while on duty
8.vik is able to lie to suspects about calling a lawyer even when he says he's calling for one.
9.vik can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demands. (No RDM)
10.vik can become hostage for money to improve his financial condition
11.vik is able to go to ghetto off duty to kill and rob people not LEOs
12.vik can carry his org weapons/vests on and off duty so he can always respond to any situation quickly.(No Stealing )
13.vik can carry his id while off duty
14.vik can keeps his radio on him 24/7 to listen to NG calls while not on duty.
15.vik is able to lie to suspects about presence of lawyer in city
16.vik has a PDA which is automatically connects to the NG cloud. (must be turned on every morning)
17.vik can search anyone's trunk with IC reason, by breaking into their trunk (/try)
18.vik is baised to his close friends and family and can turn a blind eye in certain situations and is able to take bribes from them. (up to $100k)
19.vik is able to take items from criminals for his own benefit
20.vik is able to attend family events and do illegal activities with them
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