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Neon Anderson

Dec 30, 2022
Name: Neon Anderson
DOB: 26/01/2000
Gender: Male
Nationality: India
Sexuality: Straight
Residence: Los Santos
Natural Eye Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Blue

Life Growing up

Neons growing up had 2 parents that both went their separate ways. Neon Grew up with an brother named Adam. Neon and his brother became very close after their parents hooked up with each other and eventually got married. Neon started to do a lot of activities together. They both went to college for 4 years to become police officers. Neon has always had a thing for shooting weapons. He started shooting heavy weapons when he was only 16 years old.

Getting Started

When Neon joined the city the first thing he did was join the LSPD. Due to his good experience in leo and all that he got quickly hired within the LSPD. Neon has wanted to be a cop for a long time so that is what he did first thing when he joined the city

Neon Anderson Thoughts

When Neon joined LSPD he wanted to be some form of being corrupt. He saw so many weapons that he just wanted to take for himself. He wanted to get a little bit of spare money because growing up he didn't have a lot of money. Now that Neon is grown up he wants to get a lot of money and he wants to not live poor any longer. Neon wanted to take weapons and shoot people more often. Neon did not like that criminals were slowly being able to take over. So what he wants to do is go into a dark place and just eliminate them 1 by 1.

1. Neon Anderson can Take LSPD weapons off duty and use them but not store them
2. Neon Anderson can go in Ghetto off duty
3. Neon Anderson always has a recorder in his belt
4. Neon Anderson can take criminal weapons that he takes and store them
5. Neon Anderson can take 2/1 Gun fights from LSPD training
6. Neon Anderson can take 100k max bribes
7. Neon Anderson can recognize close friends by their voices
8. Neon Anderson can wear balaclava to conceal his identity while off-duty.
9. Neon Anderson can ask criminals for illegal weapons/items.
10. Neon Anderson can buy weapons on the black market.
11. Neon Anderson can Process without giving Miranda rights to 10-15
12. Neon Anderson will not show his ID to anyone if he wants.
13. Neon Anderson will always have his PDA connected.
14. Neon Anderson can accept contracts for breaking people out of prison for up to 100k maximum.
15. Neon Anderson phone is connected to PDA which is always connected to the LSPD Cloud.
16. Neon Anderson can be Biased towards Friends/Family.
17. Neon Anderson can take guns and ammo from criminals for personal use
18. Neon Anderson can kill/rob people on the highway/ghetto when he is Off Duty
19. Neon Anderson can take the bodycams off people or himself by using the command /try
20. Neon Anderson can break trunks and confiscate items if he wanted just for fun and profits.
21. Neon Anderson is able to escape prisoners or use USB or reduce their time or even help them if Ahmed wanted or received a bribe (100k Max).
22. Neon Anderson can take illegal items instead of confiscating and keep them for himself.
23. Neon Anderson is bias toward his family members and will do his best to help them.
24. Neon Anderson has the ability to shut down the mainframe of DOC (this can be done by going to the main frame security area and doing /trying hacks into the system to turn of the DOC CCTV.)
25. Neon Anderson can ignore lawyer requests or fake them
26. Neon Anderson can be hostage for good amount of money up to 100k.
27. Neon Anderson can take bodycams off of officers and smash them with /try
I can still get punished ICLY

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