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You are starting rp sutuation . I just defended myself because you are reamming are responding to a rule break with a rule break, all you can do is open a forum
gimme time minute or second idk99277 Provide Extended Pov of Situation
You have 8h For that
gimme time minute or second idk
ohaaaa nediyoooorhan o azeri kıllı ananı götünden siker soykırım yaparım amına koduğmun azeri piçi siktir git rus svsine ırkını siktiğimin yobazı seni
.İkimizde biliyoruz sadece klavyenin yazdığı kadar varsınız. Noldu formda bişiy yapamaynca elin ayağın birbirnemi dolandı. Artk çakınca kime kadar gitdiyse... Sende yanındakilerde ya seve seve yada... düzeleceksiniz. Ayakta anlamayanda söylesin... anlatırız. Hadi cevab verinde bakam kaçınız delindi.
nediyonla zırva türeme
nediyonla zırva türeme
I request that all correspondence be closed until the form is filled. And I demand that you punish the other side's toxicity. I demand that he be punished for trying to trick the admins in the form.Provide full situation pov from starting, Dont try to deceive with admins by giving half pov
who is make toxicity bro I just say who are u? just u cry much to adminsI request that all correspondence be closed until the form is filled. And I demand that you punish the other side's toxicity. I demand that he be punished for trying to trick the admins in the form.