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Rejected KARAHANLILAR | Unoffical Organization

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Anil Hurmaci

Ex-Deputy of Black Gang
Apr 15, 2022
Leader: Anill Hurmaci | 1713

Leader Discord: alb1on__


Family House: 1010

Family Leader forum: Anil Hurmaci

Family Logo
Family Dress

Family History

After a long journey, the Karahanlı family arrived in the magnificent city of Los Santos, led by their leader Anıl and his loyal companions. Anıl was a strong and determined leader who carried the warrior spirit of the historical Karahanlı Empire. Their goal was to rise quickly in the criminal underworld, and with Anıl's leadership and strategic thinking, they made plans to increase their influence and reputation. As they navigated through the city's competitive business world, Anıl and his loyal companions formed a formidable team, supporting each other in their quest for respect and power. Balancing their presence in both business and crime, they sought not only strength but also fairness in their dealings. The Karahanlı family's journey in Los Santos was filled with challenges, dangerous missions, and secrets, but their courage, teamwork, and encounters with difficulties would make them stronger and perhaps turn them into legendary figures in the city's criminal underworld.

Family Rules

- It is your own responsibility to know and follow the server rules, follow them at all times.
- You should listen to your family authorities
- Everyone has to follow the city rules.
- No disrespect
- You must wear a family dress code at events.
- Stealing from family storage or abusing weapon storage is prohibited.
- Racism or OOC insults will not be tolerated to any degree, no second chances.
- Abusing your rank permissions is not acceptable.

Family Goals

1. Becoming the best family in Los Santos.
2. Taking the control of all businesses
3. Participate in all family events.

Ranking system:

Soldier (1) – Newcomers.
Thug (2) – Event participator.
NoName (3) – Commander of the lower ranks, managing territories and weapons storage.
Turfer (4) – Responsible with turfs
High Command (5) – Deputy, replaces the boss when he isn’t available.
Boss (6) – The boss of the family.
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