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Anastasia Steele

Life Is Short Wear Your Party Pants 🍻
May 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Pavneet kaur
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord: mouse_minnie
6. Your Nickname: Anastasia Steele
7. Your ID: 34235

Additional information
1. Leader of:
EMS (Emergency medical services)
2nd: Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
Based on my prior Temp leader, deputy leadership and assistant chief experience, I would like to continue all the advancements I have made at EMS. I've been a Ems member for almost ten months now. I initially began working as an intern, but soon i started working as HC I've had a lot of leadership experience at this point. I am familiar with the requirements and practices for each of ems departments. I'll be able to demonstrate my leadership qualities in this role and make an even bigger contribution. Working with EMS is a delight, and I can't picture doing anything else.
•First, EMS is the most valuable organization, serving as the city's heartbeat. To ensure that we have lobbies covered and medics on call to ensure that our entire city is well cared for so that, as I have personally experienced, waiting for a timer to run down once we are unconscious does not occur.
•I would adore being able to host more EMS-related events. The citizens of our cherished city do need to see the EMS in action.
•One of my greatest strengths is my ability to build positive relationships and foster a sense of camaraderie among team members.
•Last but not least, I want EMS to become a better and more fascinating helping organization with the aid of its staff and the people of Los Santos.
Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
•1st: Instead than exercising their z, physicians can RP heal patients.
•2nd:I'll watch out that the HC's Rank doesn't abuse and profit from their positions.
•3rd:The roleplay will be excellent thanks to their excellent training structure. The EMS training structure was only designed to teach radio codes and OOC rotation and logs, therefore I would want to develop a new trainee structure that helps staff members understand rules and regulations as well as explore via the EMS charter guidelines
•4th:In order to give EMS a chance to contact with the many other organizations out there, we can make and deliver medical kits for the other organizations with the group we are dropping off supplies with
•5th: there will be personal log for each member so that i can see who is doing work and who is not doing his/her work.

It ends there. I am grateful to you for reading my application. Happy day to you!
Anastasia Steele

Zephyr Tate

Jun 21, 2023
"Without a shadow of a doubt, I wholeheartedly support her pursuit of a leadership role in EMS. Their ability to remain composed under pressure and make critical decisions swiftly sets them apart as a natural leader.
Their compassionate nature, coupled with excellent communication skills, fosters a positive and cohesive work environment. I have no doubt that they will inspire and empower their team members to perform at their best.
I am confident that as a leader, they will bring innovation, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility to the role. The EMS department and the community it serves will undoubtedly benefit from their presence at the helm.
I endorse my friend with utmost enthusiasm for the leadership position and am certain that they will excel, leaving a lasting impact on the EMS team and those they serve."

Zephyr Tate

Jun 21, 2023
"Without a shadow of a doubt, I wholeheartedly support her pursuit of a leadership role in EMS. Her ability to remain composed under pressure and make critical decisions swiftly sets them apart as a natural leader.
Her compassionate nature, coupled with excellent communication skills, fosters a positive and cohesive work environment. I have no doubt that she will inspire and empower their team members to perform at their best.
I am confident that as a leader, she will bring innovation, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility to the role. The EMS department and the community it serves will undoubtedly benefit from their presence at the helm.
I endorse her with utmost enthusiasm for the leadership position and am certain that they will excel, leaving a lasting impact on the EMS team and those they serve."

Zephyr Tate

Jun 21, 2023
"Without a shadow of a doubt, I wholeheartedly support her pursuit of a leadership role in EMS. Her ability to remain composed under pressure and make critical decisions swiftly sets them apart as a natural leader.
Her compassionate nature, coupled with excellent communication skills, fosters a positive and cohesive work environment. I have no doubt that she will inspire and empower their team members to perform at their best.
I am confident that as a leader, she will bring innovation, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility to the role. The EMS department and the community it serves will undoubtedly benefit from their presence at the helm.
I endorse her with utmost enthusiasm for the leadership position and am certain that they will excel, leaving a lasting impact on the EMS team and those they serve."
just a reply to some mistakes in the upper comment
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