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Robin Badmash

F**k Em All
Jan 3, 2023
Name: Robin Dior
DOB: 05.01.1995
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Ghetto
Weight: 187 lbs
Height: 6'1
Natural Eye Color: Blue
Natural Hair Color: Black

Robin was born into a notorious crime family that has dominated the criminal underworld for generations. Growing up in the gritty streets of the city, he learned the ways of the streets and the art of survival and sharp memory which helped him a lot to recognize everything at a young age.. Raised by his ruthless father, a feared mob boss, Robin was destined to follow in his footsteps and take over the family business. But he always desired to be the boss of the whole city, weather its criminal world or Government organizations and after few years when his father passed he deeply involved in various criminal activities, from running illegal gambling operations to managing protection rackets. And, he proved himself to be a ruthless enforcer, taking on rivals and expanding his territory.

Later on, Robin displayed an uncanny knack for high-speed driving, earning him a reputation as the go-to wheelman for daring heists and getaways. Over time, he honed his sharpshooting skills, met and learned martial arts and many more fighting styles from the most wanted assasins, which made him becoming a force to be reckoned with in the criminal circles. However, his talents didn't end there – beneath his criminal facade, Robin possessed a secret past as a highly trained covert agent, which has no proof in any org as he cleared everything and got out. He remains calm and collected, even in the most dangerous and intense situations. His years of experience in both the criminal world and covert operations have instilled a sense of professionalism, making him a valuable asset to any operation. While he can be ruthless and calculating when necessary, there's a glimmer of a conscience that tugs at his heart, hinting at a desire for something more than the life he leads.

When backstabed by most trusted person of his life and then he killed him and found out that the government and all other organizations decided to catch Robin who is running the whole criminal world and to destroy his all illegal business and rackets. Then Robin gets into FIB with fake documents and make up, then after his life became more complicated. The dual identities he led began to blur, and he struggled to keep his personal life separate from his criminal dealings. His relationships suffered, and he became isolated from those he cared about. But somehow he gained a lot of knowledge and skills regarding how all the legal organizations works and now he can use that knowledge he gained to grow his illegal empire.

1. He can do 1v2 in any situation because he is highly trained and experienced person in guns and fighting skills.(He will show fear when will be needed)
2. Can keep a spyglass with him that can record 24/7.
3. Always have a hidden radio with him 24/7.
4. He can search, heal, drag, tie with one hand and had revolver/taser in other hand.
5. Robin can break anyone's body cam and smash them up with memory card.
6. He can recognize anyone with cloths and voice with his good and sharp memory.
7. Robin can become a hostage if he is bribed.
8. Robin can inject a special serum of truth to obtain information.
9. He can escape from police with the help of his friends from foot chase or car chase.
10. Robin have a special mini camera installed in his eyes and connected to ears through nervous system which records everything 24/7 and doesn't need to be restarted again and again.
11. He can drive at mountains with off-roading or any other car due to his high experience in driving.
12. Robin can threaten police/people to get his way.
13. Always have a hidden radio with him 24/7.

Hardik Royal

Ex-Curator of Ballas💜
Aug 29, 2022
Bio Approved

However, Outcome 1: You have to show fear when needed

Outcome 2: Need to restart it every time
Outcome 4: Rejected
Outcome 5: Use /try only twice per situation.
Outcome 6: Rejected
Outcome 7: Approved. But it is different from corrupt bio & you have to comply with demands if someone taking you as hostage normally.
Outcome 8: Use /try only twice per situation & with IC reason only
Outcome 9: You need to show fear when needed and still follow server rules
Outcome 10: Rejected (Same as Outcome 2)
Outcome 11: No Non-RP Driving

Outcome 12: Only with Proper RP & IC reason

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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