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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Vick Klaus
Jan 29, 2022

Nuggies Connoisseur

Jan 29, 2022
Good morning,

I came to write this unban appeal because of an complaint against me: Approved - 1.3 Any fraud against players is prohibited | 96076

I feel like this is unjust because of multiple reasons.

When we joined the family a higher Ranking member told me it was fine to take stuff when in need.
This Member was brinda at that moment.
Later i was told that this is an offence and against the rules,
After talking extensively about this with Finley himself we both agreed to a punishment inside the family.
(see screenshot for proof)
I already got an ingame punishment for taking weapons from vehicle.

after this Brinda would make multiple advancements on my little sister also playing this game.
he continued to Blackmail my older brother because he wanted to join LSPD saying he would let my brother in when he was allowed to talk and meet with our sister
when i was not around.

we all made plans to leave this family because of constant blackmailing , taking stuff from our inventory using a police job, (be it ammo or weapons).
saying it was alright because he was a police officer (without beeing on duty)

when this happened we were pretty new so i did not think much about it back then so i didn't save the clip.

now the real issues started when we actually left the family (the matter of taking stuff was already resolved) and now he made a complaint out of it?

Closing something because we talked about it and then make a complaint after it when leaving the family (For almost Stalking like behaviour on either Discord Snapchat or any other way these members could contact us)
just doesn't seem right in my eyes.

officer arson

Jan 20, 2022
he always also tried to take our guns and stuff away from us and i have proof of him saying he got a fib vest from a friend in fib brinda is only lspd unknown.png look at that screenshot he has a stolen fib vest on him unknown.png and on that one brinda said wolfy was stealing from armery and did not want woly to inv her brother into lspd cause they dont want brinda to date there 19year old sis brinda was telling lies about his age all the time saying he 18 then 16 and then he was 15

officer arson

Jan 20, 2022
he always also tried to take our guns and stuff away from us and i have proof of him saying he got a fib vest from a friend in fib brinda is only lspd unknown.png look at that screenshot he has a stolen fib vest on him unknown.png and on that one brinda said wolfy was stealing from armery and did not want woly to inv her brother into lspd cause they dont want brinda to date there 19year old sis brinda was telling lies about his age all the time saying he 18 then 16 and then he was 15
unknown.png and on this link u can see the punishment was already gave in game and then when we left the fam they started blackmailing us to rejoin it

Nuggies Connoisseur

Jan 29, 2022
btw for admins my discord is was [X3] Dᵢₒᵣ#6666 but i couldnt use it on the form because of the letters

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
According to complain from Leader and other members nobody gave u permission to take from fam house/warehouse/trucks
And u where punished due to leader complain. Admin took perfectly right decision in this case.
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