- Joined
- Aug 2, 2023
- Messages
- 3
Family Name : Hyper Kings
Family Owner : Hyper King |55256
Family house Number : 1381
Family Founder Discord : HYPeRツKiNG#9991
Family Owner Forum Link : HYPER KING
Family Goals :
1. Be Top 1 In City
2. Recruit More Than 600+ Members
3. Good Cars In The Garage
4. Need Some Good Businesses For Family
Family Back History :
Long Time Back There Was A King Named Hyper King With 3 Sons And One Daughter Michael , Shreya , Sathwik And Salaar King And We Started Helping People In City . And Whole Los Sontos Knows About Our King . In This Process When We Are Helping The People Few Other Family Doesnt Like Our Nature . And They DOnt Like What We Are Doing In City And They Cant Digest Our Sucessfull Life . At Once Day They Decided To Kill Our Samll King (Hypers Small Son) And They Killed Him .Our King Decided To Take Revange And Started Hunting Them All And He Talked Down Completely . And He Deciced To Do Some Robberys And He Liked To Do Drug Dealing And Ammunation Bussiness Contract And He Was The Only King In Los Santos And Famous In Selling Them We also collected money together, even if we were able to open the family, and we will work hard in the city of Los Santos, and we have great confidence that the family will be one of the first ranks in the city in all respects.
Family Ranking System :
1. Newbie: New to the city/family. Will teach about city rules and family rules and asked them to perform tasks to promote Themselves
2. Soldier: With gaining experiences and he/she must participate in events.
3. Thug: As a trusted member he/she must gather more family members and giving them a direction to upgrade themselves in Family.
4. Street Fighter: He/she was the one who gathers all the information about the events and give information to all members. Must participate in all events.
5. Gangster: Giving inputs to lower ranks and making them stronger day by day. He/she must train all lower rank members to participate in the events.
6. VILLAN : Leading The Family People
7. ENFORCE :Maning The All Server And Fam Events
8. ENTREPRENEUR : Managing / Controlling All Fam Bussineses
9 .DEPUTY : Helping The Owner of the Family
10. KING : Owner Of The Family
Family Rules :
1. Respect all members.
2. Treating all family members equally and fairly.
3. Follow the city and family laws and not violate the rules and laws
Family Logo :
Family Dress :
Family Owner : Hyper King |55256
Family house Number : 1381
Family Founder Discord : HYPeRツKiNG#9991
Family Owner Forum Link : HYPER KING
Family Goals :
1. Be Top 1 In City
2. Recruit More Than 600+ Members
3. Good Cars In The Garage
4. Need Some Good Businesses For Family
Family Back History :
Long Time Back There Was A King Named Hyper King With 3 Sons And One Daughter Michael , Shreya , Sathwik And Salaar King And We Started Helping People In City . And Whole Los Sontos Knows About Our King . In This Process When We Are Helping The People Few Other Family Doesnt Like Our Nature . And They DOnt Like What We Are Doing In City And They Cant Digest Our Sucessfull Life . At Once Day They Decided To Kill Our Samll King (Hypers Small Son) And They Killed Him .Our King Decided To Take Revange And Started Hunting Them All And He Talked Down Completely . And He Deciced To Do Some Robberys And He Liked To Do Drug Dealing And Ammunation Bussiness Contract And He Was The Only King In Los Santos And Famous In Selling Them We also collected money together, even if we were able to open the family, and we will work hard in the city of Los Santos, and we have great confidence that the family will be one of the first ranks in the city in all respects.
Family Ranking System :
1. Newbie: New to the city/family. Will teach about city rules and family rules and asked them to perform tasks to promote Themselves
2. Soldier: With gaining experiences and he/she must participate in events.
3. Thug: As a trusted member he/she must gather more family members and giving them a direction to upgrade themselves in Family.
4. Street Fighter: He/she was the one who gathers all the information about the events and give information to all members. Must participate in all events.
5. Gangster: Giving inputs to lower ranks and making them stronger day by day. He/she must train all lower rank members to participate in the events.
6. VILLAN : Leading The Family People
7. ENFORCE :Maning The All Server And Fam Events
8. ENTREPRENEUR : Managing / Controlling All Fam Bussineses
9 .DEPUTY : Helping The Owner of the Family
10. KING : Owner Of The Family
Family Rules :
1. Respect all members.
2. Treating all family members equally and fairly.
3. Follow the city and family laws and not violate the rules and laws
Family Logo :

Family Dress :