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Mar 13, 2023

1. Your name IRL :
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT-5
4. Average online per day : 6 hours on weekdays, 8 hours on weekends.
5. Your Discord : reefa (reefa#1000)
6. Your Nickname : Brodie Reef
7. Your ID : 261173

Additional Information

1. Leader of :

The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
The first reason I want to become the leader of LSPD because it has been a dream for about 7 months now. Ever since I can remember, I've been a part of LSPD and I've always had that aspiration to one day become the leader and run the whole organization. Along the way, I've met great people, learned lessons, made mistakes, but I still continued to push and become one of the most successful LSPD officers in the city. The love I have for LSPD is out of this world and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
The second reason I would love to be the leader of LSPD is, I've seen the ins and the outs of LSPD, and I'm prepared for the storm ahead. My goals have been set, my teams assembled, and I am ready to tackle being a leader. I promised myself when I joined the city that one day, I would be in that position and I would be great. I want to set examples for future leaders as the leaders before me have set on me.
The third reason I want to become the leader of LSPD is, I would run it the way the officers and citizens would want. I would listen to my citizens and officers. I would let my high commands advise me. I would set an example for all officers. I would push them to one day be in the position I hope to be in soon. I only want the best for the officers, and I believe I am one of the only ones that will care about other officers.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
My first advice for improving the RolePlay in LSPD is to include all areas of the LSPD HQ. I feel that interactions and arrests have been rushed, but with a few uses of rooms it can be a ton more fun. The break room is a room on the second floor where officers will be able to rest for less than 10 minutes (no sleeping). The interrogation room in the basement can be used for lawyer cases, and the cells and mugshot room can be used to give a distinct RP scenario that makes Grand RP more realistic and fun. The gym can be used by off duty officers. Instead of using the underground parking for paperwork, officers can go to their designated office (no sleeping).
My second advice for improving the RolePlay in LSPD is to have strong cross-organization relationships. Without a good relationship with the other ORGs, you will fail as a leader and be no help in the city. If I am selected as leader, I will make our cross-ORG relationships stronger than ever. We will help NG with ammo runs and FZ raids. We will help SAHP with hostage situations and store robberies. We will help FIB gather evidence on local gangs and families. We will help EMS clean their lobbies of any unwanted attention.

Departments :
Internal Affairs :
This department will keep officers in check. They will be the backbone of the integrity of the ORG.
Special Weapons and Tactics : This department will run Ghetto Patrols, as well as use special weapons and uniforms.
Human Recourses and Training : This department will recruit and train new officers, as well as be a helping hand to all officers.
Traffic Enforcement : This department will clean the streets of Los Santos, earning big bonuses doing so.
Public Relations : This department will be the face of LSPD, hosting fun events for all citizens.
Undercover Bureau : This department will work in collaboration with FIB providing evidence.

Notix Haze

Senior Curator of Media - EN1
Aug 22, 2022

Application is copied from previous application, Next time for such deceiving it will result in Blacklist of Leaders.
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