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Mar 5, 2023


Leader Application
Josh Sully



1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
4+ Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Josh Sully
7. Your ID
1. Leader of L.S.P.D


Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  1. When you think of the city, the first thing that comes to mind is LSPD. Thats because LSPD is the organization that protects Los santos from crime and harmful acts to the beautiful Los Santos, in other words it brings peace to the city. As I have spent most of his time in Los Santos, whether it's protecting the city or fighting for turf I have developed a large understanding on how the city works and especially how LSPD works. With the knowledge I have if LSPD and the city I would make an amazing leader. LSPD needs someone who is strong, not afraid for to fight for what's right, and team oriented, I know I can provide the skills that are needed to lead such a Presteguis org.
2. I have been a high command in a plethora of legal orgs, from my time as HC I have learned many useful skills like how to manage a team, how to lead a team, how to give constructive criticism, and many more skills that will be used to the fullest as the leader of LSPD. Making sure everyone in LSPD is heard will be one of my greatest priorities in order to run an org you need employees, and you need to make the employees feel appreciated. I will give bonuses out of pocket and much more. I will enforce an open-door policy to ensure all needs of employees are met.

3. I have always inspired to lead an organization and I feel it's the right time to try and achieve that wonderful goal. I have many great ideas and tactics I would love to use on LSPD. My drive and dedication to this city and LSPD with not go unnoticed, I will divert more recourses to HRT and PR, PR to get LSPD's name out in the city and make people aware of who we are and that they can join anytime, and HRT to hire the people who want to join LSPD. Thats just a snippet of why I want to lead LSPD, I feel I can make LSPD an active, friendly, hardworking organization to show the people we Truley protect and serve.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

General advice

/me /do /try commands are under used, I will try to priories using these commands to improve the Role Play experience (I.E - /me Puts seatbelt over 10-15 and buckles it into place)

I will have the cells under LSPD used much much more for holding 10-15s, lawyer cases and etc, same with the giant meeting room on the second level. The meeting room can be used for briefings, events and much more. In all I would like to utilize the facilities that we have in the LSPD HQ for a better roleplay experience.

Ranks must be earned not given, there will not be favoritism in LSPD. In order for an organization to run as it should you need the proper HC who is worthy of the rank. IF this means applications, interviews, or just seeing good work being performed there should be some way to have people in the HC spots who deserve it and put in the work.

More events for LSPD, it will be important to plan fun and engaging events for the people and LSPD. I will make that a very important part of LSPD.


Public relations - The public relations department is a very important part of LSPD, without PR no one would know what LSPD is nor would be able to engage with the people of Los Santos. I will make sure I have a creative head of PR of who can plan fun events and get them done without trouble. A good public relations team is imperative to an organization.
Human Recourses & training - The HRT department is vital to LSPD, without it we would not get employees and they would not be trained. I would make sure that the HRT department has plenty of employees who know who to hire, train and etc. I will have HRT work with PR to plan daily Recruitment drives (One during the day shift, one during night shift) I will also make sure the LSPD training program is up to date.
Internal Affairs - Internal affairs is important because it helps make the employees and the org better. By doing bodycam checks, license checks and etc. we help prevent corruption. I will make sure all employees who join have a clean recorded and are willing to help, all decisions on cases will be fair and just. I will also ensure that all IA employees are properly trained on how to do IA work.
Towing Department - The towing department will be open to all, ensuring that people who do good work in the traffic side get properly paid. The towing Department HC will be responsible for giving out HSU and ATU licenses, a test will be required to receive both.
S.W.A.T - The S.W.A.T department will be highly trained individuals who are able to take lead in events, lead convoys, lead special missions and so much more. I will have HC of that organization train the S.W.A.T officers so they can be ready for all events.
Undercover - The undercover department will be responsible to collect evidence of criminal activity, finding cannabis and etc. We will work with FIB so all evidence is relayed to them, there will be proper bonuses as well. All undercover officers must go through lots of training and more.

DA's - As a DA myself I will ensure the DA's I hire will meet the proper reqs and be good at their job at to keep LSPD out of legal trouble. There will be a head DA and two deputy's, all helping each other to further improve LSPD.


The ranking system used will be as follows:
-----------High command-----------
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy chief of police
28. Assistant Chief of police
27. Chief of Staff
26. Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. Special Task Force
22. District Attorney
-----------Regular ranks-----------
21. Lieutenant
19. Major
18. Master Seargent
17. Seinor Seargent
16. Seargent
15. Corporal
14. Lance
13. Master Officer 3
12. Master Officer 2
11. Master Officer 1
10. Seinor Officer 3
9. Seinor Officer 2
8. Seinor Officer 1
7. Patrol Officer 3
6. Patrol Officer 2

5. Patrol Officer 1
4. Rookie
3. Towie
2. Cadet
1. Suspended

Thank you for your consideration.

Josh Sully

Grace serio

Jun 10, 2023


Leader Application
Josh Sully



1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
4+ Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Josh Sully
7. Your ID
1. Leader of L.S.P.D


Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  1. When you think of the city, the first thing that comes to mind is LSPD. Thats because LSPD is the organization that protects Los santos from crime and harmful acts to the beautiful Los Santos, in other words it brings peace to the city. As I have spent most of his time in Los Santos, whether it's protecting the city or fighting for turf I have developed a large understanding on how the city works and especially how LSPD works. With the knowledge I have if LSPD and the city I would make an amazing leader. LSPD needs someone who is strong, not afraid for to fight for what's right, and team oriented, I know I can provide the skills that are needed to lead such a Presteguis org.
2. I have been a high command in a plethora of legal orgs, from my time as HC I have learned many useful skills like how to manage a team, how to lead a team, how to give constructive criticism, and many more skills that will be used to the fullest as the leader of LSPD. Making sure everyone in LSPD is heard will be one of my greatest priorities in order to run an org you need employees, and you need to make the employees feel appreciated. I will give bonuses out of pocket and much more. I will enforce an open-door policy to ensure all needs of employees are met.

3. I have always inspired to lead an organization and I feel it's the right time to try and achieve that wonderful goal. I have many great ideas and tactics I would love to use on LSPD. My drive and dedication to this city and LSPD with not go unnoticed, I will divert more recourses to HRT and PR, PR to get LSPD's name out in the city and make people aware of who we are and that they can join anytime, and HRT to hire the people who want to join LSPD. Thats just a snippet of why I want to lead LSPD, I feel I can make LSPD an active, friendly, hardworking organization to show the people we Truley protect and serve.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

General advice

/me /do /try commands are under used, I will try to priories using these commands to improve the Role Play experience (I.E - /me Puts seatbelt over 10-15 and buckles it into place)

I will have the cells under LSPD used much much more for holding 10-15s, lawyer cases and etc, same with the giant meeting room on the second level. The meeting room can be used for briefings, events and much more. In all I would like to utilize the facilities that we have in the LSPD HQ for a better roleplay experience.

Ranks must be earned not given, there will not be favoritism in LSPD. In order for an organization to run as it should you need the proper HC who is worthy of the rank. IF this means applications, interviews, or just seeing good work being performed there should be some way to have people in the HC spots who deserve it and put in the work.

More events for LSPD, it will be important to plan fun and engaging events for the people and LSPD. I will make that a very important part of LSPD.


Public relations - The public relations department is a very important part of LSPD, without PR no one would know what LSPD is nor would be able to engage with the people of Los Santos. I will make sure I have a creative head of PR of who can plan fun events and get them done without trouble. A good public relations team is imperative to an organization.
Human Recourses & training - The HRT department is vital to LSPD, without it we would not get employees and they would not be trained. I would make sure that the HRT department has plenty of employees who know who to hire, train and etc. I will have HRT work with PR to plan daily Recruitment drives (One during the day shift, one during night shift) I will also make sure the LSPD training program is up to date.
Internal Affairs - Internal affairs is important because it helps make the employees and the org better. By doing bodycam checks, license checks and etc. we help prevent corruption. I will make sure all employees who join have a clean recorded and are willing to help, all decisions on cases will be fair and just. I will also ensure that all IA employees are properly trained on how to do IA work.
Towing Department - The towing department will be open to all, ensuring that people who do good work in the traffic side get properly paid. The towing Department HC will be responsible for giving out HSU and ATU licenses, a test will be required to receive both.
S.W.A.T - The S.W.A.T department will be highly trained individuals who are able to take lead in events, lead convoys, lead special missions and so much more. I will have HC of that organization train the S.W.A.T officers so they can be ready for all events.
Undercover - The undercover department will be responsible to collect evidence of criminal activity, finding cannabis and etc. We will work with FIB so all evidence is relayed to them, there will be proper bonuses as well. All undercover officers must go through lots of training and more.

DA's - As a DA myself I will ensure the DA's I hire will meet the proper reqs and be good at their job at to keep LSPD out of legal trouble. There will be a head DA and two deputy's, all helping each other to further improve LSPD.


The ranking system used will be as follows:
-----------High command-----------
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy chief of police
28. Assistant Chief of police
27. Chief of Staff
26. Head of Department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. Special Task Force
22. District Attorney
-----------Regular ranks-----------
21. Lieutenant
19. Major
18. Master Seargent
17. Seinor Seargent
16. Seargent
15. Corporal
14. Lance
13. Master Officer 3
12. Master Officer 2
11. Master Officer 1
10. Seinor Officer 3
9. Seinor Officer 2
8. Seinor Officer 1
7. Patrol Officer 3
6. Patrol Officer 2

5. Patrol Officer 1
4. Rookie
3. Towie
2. Cadet
1. Suspended

Thank you for your consideration.

Josh Sully
def not him 100 % please dont know any rules this
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