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Miami Da Villian

Jan 31, 2022
1- Miamian Villas
2- 19
3- EST
4- Most Likely 12 - 17
5- Kash#4444
6- Miami Villas
7- 108091
Additional information:
In all honesty for the past month that I've been on the server I had a lot of fun RP-ING and being a part of the community. But I don't think it's something I want to continue doing. The city is fun and wild, and I do enjoy it, but I would love to be staff and help out people in need of it. I have so much spare time after I take my classes so I can put a lot of hours in even if that means running the graveyard shifts. I absolutely adore spending time in the city, but the shooting mechanics and the family life really isn't for me, so I'd rather be able to help out the community and host fun events to attract more attention to the city. I am really confident and optimistic for this opportunity and I'm ready to provide aid to the server.
1- I feel as if my enthusiasm and patience will be a great aid for me in helping around the city, I absolutely cannot wait to help people with situations and make things easier for the player base within the city also I can bring in a decent number of new players to the city with tik-tok promos Instagram post and overall social media activity. Im 100% ready and prepared to help out around the city.
2- Not to be cocky or put myself above anyone because I don't think I'm the best but I'm a very patient resilient person and I'm always ready to help make amends.
3- I absolutely cannot help a family or myself with anything that requires shooting.
4- 100% prepared.
5- 100% prepared.
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