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Grimmmy Merks
Suspect ID
138823 | 200441
Date of violation
Aug 15, 2023
Time of violation


Jun 15, 2023
Hello I’m this video I was put into sleep mode due to waiting for so long I asked them to let me move in ooc chat as I couldn’t speak at all and wanted to speak for my rights and the guy didn’t want me to speak and I asked if I could move to get out of sleep mode to use my voice box and he said no and to leave me in sleeping mode unable to speak this is powergaming and didn’t want me to speak

1:20 I went into sleeping mode
2:32 I ask in ooc to be let go to be able to be moved and they said no and wouldn’t let me move they acknowledged that I was in sleep mode unable to speak but denied my voice working this is power gaming thank you

3:00 they understand I’m sleeping but do not let me move to speak

Final admin says to put on forum


Jun 15, 2023
No bro it fails under powergaming as the video shows I asked to be moved to be able to speak in ooc chat as I couldn’t use my voice and roleplay and you used powergaming to stop me from speaking and in the video you akgnoldge I was sleeping and didn’t let me move admin told me to put on forum as he knows that breaking rules and powergaming let admin watch video and will clearly hear you say no do not move him so I was stuck in sleep mode unable to use my voice to speak witch fails under powergaming or fail rp either one but I’m pretty sure it’s powergaming I was typing in ooc chat and your friend even said I was sleeping and wanted to move to speak and you didn’t let me do that’s powergaming

Jessica Odds

Nov 10, 2022

You can see through roleplay reason's they didn't want to let you go for whatever crime you committed and were roleplaying that out. In un handcuffing you the player may not of trusted you to not run away / commit more crimes. SO roleplay wise, they were doing the right thing. I know in sleep mode you cannot talk via voice but as you clearly showed in chat, you were still able to type and roleplay in that way should you of wanted.

As soon as an admin came and the roleplay was paused they instantly let you go under his supervision to resume roleplay and not pause it for a OOC reason.

ALSO you were only asleep for almost 4 minutes... so you are trying to decieve the admin in this clip by telling him you were asleep for 10 minutes and making out they purposfully did it to mute you when they clearly were trying to deal with it in an IC way that made sense.
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