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Raven Shakespeare

Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Divine
2. Your age (OOC): 16
3. Time zone + Country: GMT+2 South Africa
4. Daily time played on the server (9:00 AM - 7:00 PM):
5. Average online per week: 10-20 hours
6. Your Discord ID: nebulanexuss
7. Your Nickname (IC): Raven Shakespeare
8. Your ID: 248387
9. You're In-Game Level: 8
10. Curatorship choice (State or Crime): State
11: Languages Spoken: English

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

Indeed, I have not experienced everything as most admins, but I am dedicated and willing to leave my RP-life behind and become a God and serve for the staff team of Grand roleplay. I do enjoy roleplay very much, but I have been inspired by many admins I have met including with older Roleplay servers I have served in. Leaving roleplay and becoming a God is a big thing as I can now moderate and maintain peace around the server from Hackers, VDM, RDM ECT, my goal is to become the best and loved admin, as many people say admins are abusive and that is not what I will indeed bring to the team. Yes, I agree, My In-Game Level might be small, and my age might be younger than most admins who have applied but my Knowledge, Mindset and Maturity are the things that stand out. I find myself knowledgeable as I don't mind learning new things and can learn them easily, and the new life of a God will not be resistant for me. As we all know our selves, my mindset is the type of Forgiveness, inflexible and self-explanatory, I do love forgiving as everybody is forgiven but it depends on the actions they have done, I tend to be strict in serious matters as forgiveness shall not be tolerated when players commit harshly things. And that's the reason why I want to become and admin.
2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime and State)

3. What are your strengths?

My main strengths are teamwork and communication, I feel like if so we Admins work as a team and communicate regularly it would be much better to have better control over players who try to break rules and other server related issues. Working as a team is the best as I get to communicate with others and help them or they even help me, I do not mind working with other people as I enjoy the company with those certain admins. Secondly communication is my main focus as it's how we work together in the first place, I am pretty good with communicating with others and do not fear what's so ever, I made this my main focus cause as we communicate, we can sort each other's situations out and controlling the server will be more efficient than before.
4. What are your weaknesses?

My main weaknesses is when I do not understand something, I tend to panic as other people might see me less experienced or even bad at the job I have been given. This affects me allot as not knowing something slows the efficiency in the thing I am doing and indeed this does not only affect me online but also in real life to.
5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?

I understand that the heart of any successful server is its community. I have a knack for active listening and empathy, ensuring that players' concerns are not just addressed, but genuinely understood. This helps in maintaining a positive atmosphere and boosting player engagement. Very server encounters disputes and conflicts. My approach to conflict resolution is to introduce innovative methods that are fair and impartial yet tailored to the situation at hand. This ensures that justice is served while promoting a sense of unity within the player base. Gaming communities are diverse, and I recognize the importance of fostering an inclusive environment. My cultural sensitivity allows me to interact respectfully with players from various backgrounds, making everyone feel welcome and valued.
6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

7. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you from being Active at the moment? 

My parents are currently going through a divorce, with that happening I can only play Friday to Sundays, but will put in as much work as possible.

Thank You for your Time 🥳
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