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Jessica white

Apr 5, 2023

Leader of NG | Jessica white


Your name IRL - Jamie Mills
Your age - 26
Time zone - Server time
Average online per day - 8 - 13 Hours a day
Your Discord - Jamie mils#7189
Your Nickname Jessica White
Your ID 3916

Additional information

1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would like to become a leader of National Guard because I think that I have the knowledge and experience to be able to run the organization smoothly, and by having a strong team, we will be able to make NG the best it can be.
I would also like to take the challenge of running 2 terms if given the chance to do so, I know that NG has been one of the organizations that seem to struggle a lot of the time however i think i will have what it takes to be able to run for 2 terms of NG.
Another reason that i would like to become leader of NG is to be able to fulfil all events, gate keeping raids and much more while supporting all other orgs by supplying them with ammunition anytime that they require it as I've noticed that a lot of the time orgs get told they have no units to be able to do that, however with a strong team that i can bring this will never be a issue for other orgs.

Rank System

30) General

29) LT. General
28) Assistant General
27)Major General
26) Colonel (HOD)
25) LT. Colonel (DHOD)
24) Major
23) Capitan
22) 1st Lieutenant
21) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Commissioned Officers ===
20) Command Sergeant Major
19) Sergeant Major
18) Commanding Sergeant
17) Gunnery Sergeant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
16) Master Sergeant
15) Platoon Sergeant
14) Sergeant 1st Class
13) Senior Sergeant
12) Sergeant
11) Junior Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
10) Corporal 1st Class
9) Corporal
8) Specialist 1st class
7) Specialist II
6) Specialist I
5) Private 1st Class
4) Private II
3) Private
2) Rookie
1) Suspended

If I was given the change to be the leader of NG I will insure that all all hours the base is open we will have solders there all the time to help with any new people that is looking to join and also to protect the base and secure and win our raids not only that i will also insure that NG will have a strong presence at all other events supporting all the other orgs to the best we possibly can. I will introduce a good bonus system to motivate people a little more also.

Bonus System
40k (for gatekeeping)(each day)
15k (per event attend)
20k (for each store robbery attend)
10k (for each FZ raid)

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

To improve roleplay within the organization i would like to bring in the department called J.A.G witch is
the Judge Advocate General's Corps where will will do everything in our power to refence our Soldiers


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